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for Anyone want a Banner?

1/2/2012 c1 11Clumzy.Person
I would like a banner for my story Emmett, It's a parody and it's finished and also has a sequel.

Summary: This is what happens when Emmett gets bored...

About the story: Bella's sleeptalking puts everything in motion, Emmett tries to record it , Bella seeks revenge... This starts the most hilarious Prank War between Emmett and Bella
12/7/2011 c1 5Red as a Rose01
Hey, I would love for you to be able to make be a banner.

My Fanfic name- Red as a Rose01

Title Name: People who can't wed, Plan.

Summary: Bella is a top wedding Planner who has been roped in to plan the exclusive wedding of Tanya Denali and Edward Cullen.

(It's hard to summaries it, but I hope this is ok. If not maybe reading a few chapter would help.)

Thank you. Hope you'll be able to make one for me.

xxxRed as a Rosexxx
7/11/2011 c1 6Munchkin Jeeves
Hi! My Pen name is Munchkin Jeeves

The story is Called an Unreal Reunion and it's Jacob/OC. What happens is Emily finds out that she has a sister Cara, and she comes to live with her when her parents are killed and Jacob imprints on her.

Hope you are able to make one, it would be pretty cool :)
7/11/2011 c1 43Team Edward Rules All
Could you please make me a banner for my story Consequential Actions? I can't really think of a good way to summarize it so you should read the first few chapters (or at least the first) to get a general idea of the story. Thanks!
7/11/2011 c1 2thenextMrs.Lutz
I want one so my storys name is me and Emily.basically the jist is Bella was married to James but he turned abusive so she takes her five year old daughter and runs she ends up living next door to Edward and his five year old son Sam it's a Bella x Edward and an emily x Sam story
7/11/2011 c1 candyland 426
my ff name is candyland426 but you can leave the numbers out if you want too. My story is 'rebel boys and cheerleaders with secrets'.

the story is about alice, rose and bella and they are cheerleaders and they have crushes on the mysterious rebel bad boys jasper, emmett and edward, eventually the girls release their secrets in front of everyone, but i havent gotten that far yet.

It would be great if you could do it, just pm me if you are so i can thank you better.
7/10/2011 c1 10Penguins.Are.Lovely
Hey! My FF name is Penguins.Are.Lovely and the title is Forever and After. Bella goes to the Volturi after the Cullens leave and she falls in love with Alec. Thanks :)

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