9/11/2011 c1 32lizoftheinfinite
LOL, I laughed really hard while reading this. They'll both delightfully in-character. The only mistake I can notice is some dialogue errors ('"Wait here, I will be back." Gregory commanded' should be '"Wait here, I will be back," Gregory commanded.') and the fact that you switched from past tense to present tense midway through.
Otherwise, this is a really in-character short little fic. Christophe is hilarious and awesome. And I like the last line: "How's Wendy?" "Shut up, 'Tophe." I LOLd really hard. You rock. Keep on writing. :)
LOL, I laughed really hard while reading this. They'll both delightfully in-character. The only mistake I can notice is some dialogue errors ('"Wait here, I will be back." Gregory commanded' should be '"Wait here, I will be back," Gregory commanded.') and the fact that you switched from past tense to present tense midway through.
Otherwise, this is a really in-character short little fic. Christophe is hilarious and awesome. And I like the last line: "How's Wendy?" "Shut up, 'Tophe." I LOLd really hard. You rock. Keep on writing. :)
7/11/2011 c1 87angelgirl 158
Wtf is up wit Kelly Clarkson *someone whispers in ear* oh k thanks love the ending this was funny
Wtf is up wit Kelly Clarkson *someone whispers in ear* oh k thanks love the ending this was funny