Just In
for Shikamaru's Pokemon Adventure

3/5/2021 c1 Guest
Wait what? Why is his name shikamaru ketchum if you said in the summary that his new name would be Delia.
5/28/2018 c1 2GerG SnamrekcotS
Fraternal twins means that one is a boy while the other is a girl
2/10/2014 c1 20kage kitsune 14
Epic start. I can't wait to see where this is going to go. Is Shikamaru going to be a dark pokemon expert?
1/6/2014 c1 2SnowKi
more pleaz 3
12/1/2013 c1 18random girlz
7/27/2013 c1 123MoonlightBushido
Love the story, can't wait to see what happens next and how Shika will handle having Ash for a brother, seeing as how Ash is basically a dark haired Naruto.
12/10/2012 c1 7TheSecondOtherGuy
this is dead isn't it?
9/24/2012 c1 15phoenixforce50
So far so good, thanks for the footnotes. i hope you continue it, it has promise.
(Not sure if spelling mistakes or translation errors :p)
1/5/2012 c1 1Mewcakefanfiction
lolz you should make a story for this, poor shika is stuck raising pokemon hahaha

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