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for Uzumaki Naruto: Dawn of the Gamer Remastered

7/22/2011 c1 Jicea
This is awesome. I love time travel to pre2nd shinobi world war as it is the most interesting time to me in the Naruto universe. This has a lot of potential and I cant wait for the next update.
7/22/2011 c1 perses7x
love the story...waitin for next chap
7/21/2011 c1 17griffin blackwood
7/21/2011 c1 exeafirm
glad to see this story again,can't wait to see more.
7/21/2011 c1 1Bobboky
7/19/2011 c1 spiritwolf35
I guess I will check this story out I just hope you will be updating kinda often well I HOPE
7/18/2011 c1 alec-potter
Interesting start, let's see where you take it from here.
7/18/2011 c1 Slevin Kelevra70
Great story do not stop writing it, i liked the story Sarutobi Naruto.
7/18/2011 c1 Guest
cool! KIRIN! thats something new
7/17/2011 c1 Lucy Ash Hawthorne
7/17/2011 c1 legacy of the demented
i was looking for 'sarutobi naruto' it was one of the best narutsu fics that i've ever read.but i was unable to find it,i even pm'ed some author's to ask if they know the name of the author who wrote it.can you please tell me who is the author of that fic.kindly pm me the name.
7/16/2011 c1 Umbra8191
great chapter i can't wait for the next update.
7/16/2011 c1 R.Uchiha-Namikaze
I enjoyed Sarutobi Naruto... I am glad you have brought it back to life. I can't wait for the next update. Its too bad you went with a different summons... I liked Naruto having the Tigers as summons. Please update soon!
7/16/2011 c1 Haruchai
Oh my God! I did not expect adrien skywalker to actually drop Sarutobi Naruto! He was ever so obstinate about that one. People had been asking him for years to take over the story and he always said no. However did you manage to have him allow you to adopt his story? That in of itself is a great accomplishment. I have very high hopes about this one. I hope you somewhat follow the original style; with Naruto being super strong and much political maneuvering and more insane schemes flying around.

-Haruchai out-
7/16/2011 c1 ThatGuy
I'm kind of disappointed that Naruto won't be raised by his father in this timeline. It would have been interesting to see the third Hokage raise Naruto as a child even if he had the mind of an adult.
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