Just In
for Night Terrors

11/17/2015 c1 Meghan
Poor Trunksie! Good thing Vegeta went easy on him! It's quite comforting!
11/3/2013 c1 LeChick
This is actually pretty damn adorable
10/29/2013 c1 13Serenity Blossom
Good family fluff. Well as fluffy as Vegeta can get... :)
7/7/2013 c1 8Silver Skies - Red Lakes
Aww thts so cute!
1/22/2013 c1 9R. K. Iris
I love Brief family stories, either when Trunks is a kid or Bra's a kid...can't handle either of them as adults, though...this was pretty good, no OOC, and I rather like Trunks's reactions in this story, and his emotions towards his dad...Trunks is the guy to watch out for. Bulma's pretty awesome, too...she's an amazing mom in both timelines. I liked this story a lot.

11/6/2012 c1 dakari
Not a bad story
4/20/2012 c1 Saany
I really liked it! This is very cute :)
3/8/2012 c1 15kioku7
This was ADORABLE! Definatley a great Brief family fic!
12/21/2011 c1 1basilask
really like ur fic. Do update and write more chap's
11/27/2011 c1 13Ravenpan
That was delightfully precious :)
9/16/2011 c1 1Mini Nicka
Very sweet
7/29/2011 c1 25Binky1987
Awww, that's so sweet :)
7/27/2011 c1 6Andy101
I hate to be such a classic chick right now adorable...I loved it. I wish DBZ had more scenes like these.
7/25/2011 c1 iluvveggie
i saw that movie and the second one i thought the first one wasnt scarry only a little at the end when she killed him but the second one was more scarry but not enough to scar me alot ( im hard to scar) but i liked this fic it was interesting
7/21/2011 c1 2cara9001
Aww I love it and Vegeta wasn't even ooc lol
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