Just In
for Just Another MitMiya?... I think NOT

5/6/2002 c1 4Tierra Lancer
Hehe, aww...this is so sweet...I attach myself to anything MitMiya, I love the coupling personally. *clapclaps* More MitMiya! Woah, sounds like a slogan...
4/15/2002 c1 bluefalls
ayako iz a playgirlll! anyway, i dun mind mitmiyas coz i really really luv them! continue to rite more mitmiyas ne?
4/14/2002 c1 11kimi-chan1
umm...hehe...hi inu-chan... ok, ok! it was good...hehe.. even if it is a MitMiya... sorry to MitMiya fans but i absolutely do not like that pairing.. hehe.. im a MitKo fanatic..ok.. back to reviewing...

this is a cute fic! there... ^_^

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