Just In
for Severus Snape's Responsibility

11/20/2017 c8 1Destineyofme
please write more someday
9/14/2017 c8 AuroraNova46
please update this soon. its so good.
6/1/2016 c8 tinkerbear10
I love it and hope there is more to it!
1/5/2016 c1 Guest
Lily wanted Severus to raise her children while believing him to be a death eater? And a boy she had turned away from at one point to boot.
7/21/2015 c8 7ja.amos.31
More pleease this is a good story
7/6/2015 c8 Guest
Awesome story so far! I can't wait to read what will happen next!
Oh and I was wondering that who will be paired with Bella? Will it somehow still be Severus or someone else entirely? Oh and I LOVE Lupin too, I was happily suprised when I saw that you wrote him in the first year already!
6/29/2015 c1 Guest

Lily wouldnt seperate them

He better get a yelling from her because i would definitely do the same. Im extremely protective of friends and family.
3/28/2015 c7 Dramamomma19
I want the next chapter but I think Bella should make the potion correctly with ease and time to spare and Harmonie at the end of class with a little trouble. With no one else finish or doing it correctly. And soon.
8/17/2014 c7 BeckaR
Awesome really can't wait for more please
6/1/2014 c7 May potter
Love your story!
More more!
4/30/2014 c7 Guest
please update
4/14/2014 c7 Shaishe
I really like your story so far can't wait to see where ain't goes next
2/1/2014 c7 Guest
please update soon
2/1/2014 c7 Guest
a bientot
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