3h c1 Dat-boi-waddup
r/fatestaynight/s/FX1svFSYWw for anyone who has misconceptions about Projection magecraft and Shirou's Tracing pls read this.
r/fatestaynight/s/FX1svFSYWw for anyone who has misconceptions about Projection magecraft and Shirou's Tracing pls read this.
12h c76 dejean.andrew.adj
So Archer plans to use ARS Nova to erase himself from the throne of heroes?
So Archer plans to use ARS Nova to erase himself from the throne of heroes?
10/14 c32 uchiha-rune
As the warm sun rises from the desolate winters; the pillars of oak and green rise. Seasons pass by dozens of times, from the fallen pillars of oak and green; the legendary log rises, Amen.
As the warm sun rises from the desolate winters; the pillars of oak and green rise. Seasons pass by dozens of times, from the fallen pillars of oak and green; the legendary log rises, Amen.
10/11 c46 10Primordial Inscriptor Z-09
I can see now why people like using Medea as a surface villain... she so damned easy to use, its not even funny.
Meta Medea.
I can see now why people like using Medea as a surface villain... she so damned easy to use, its not even funny.
Meta Medea.
10/10 c26 1uchiha-rune
Hooray, Kiritsugu is summoned, and Shirou has rule breaker… And Kiritsugu can tell shirou information
Hooray, Kiritsugu is summoned, and Shirou has rule breaker… And Kiritsugu can tell shirou information
10/10 c42 10Primordial Inscriptor Z-09
Gilgamesh is a better Villain that Meddea ever was. She is honeslty better written as a tragedy heroine.
I just love it people write Gold boy so well!
Gilgamesh is a better Villain that Meddea ever was. She is honeslty better written as a tragedy heroine.
I just love it people write Gold boy so well!
10/8 c19 1uchiha-rune
Hear me out, what if Shirou SEVERED himself from the timestream. He can bind people in the time stream, but if he separates himself maybe he wont be affected by the time dilation
Hear me out, what if Shirou SEVERED himself from the timestream. He can bind people in the time stream, but if he separates himself maybe he wont be affected by the time dilation
10/7 c16 10Primordial Inscriptor Z-09
Reading this again, its quite depressing seeing Lovre's family memories falling apart. It would be so much easier to hate this guy if he wasn't such a caring father.
An excellent villlain, a large impact, he too, was.
Reading this again, its quite depressing seeing Lovre's family memories falling apart. It would be so much easier to hate this guy if he wasn't such a caring father.
An excellent villlain, a large impact, he too, was.
10/7 c14 1uchiha-rune
I hope Shirou gains more self preservation skills later on. Also, cool weapons you gave him, will be useful in the 5th holy grail war. I hope Sakura doesn’t become a billainess
I hope Shirou gains more self preservation skills later on. Also, cool weapons you gave him, will be useful in the 5th holy grail war. I hope Sakura doesn’t become a billainess
10/6 c4 uchiha-rune
Shirou can solo the holy grail war right now… Trust me, Im actually half serious.
Kitchen knives are extremely low ranking, to where theyd be like R rank level noble phantasms,therefore he can rade a lot of them and they’re small. So just shoot thousands of kitchen knives all around a heroic spirit, some will hit the heroic spirits/servants head and a few will kill the servant.
Shirou can solo the holy grail war right now… Trust me, Im actually half serious.
Kitchen knives are extremely low ranking, to where theyd be like R rank level noble phantasms,therefore he can rade a lot of them and they’re small. So just shoot thousands of kitchen knives all around a heroic spirit, some will hit the heroic spirits/servants head and a few will kill the servant.
10/5 c76 Guest
Archer really shouldn’t be using Romani as his reference point for ditching the Throne, since he could only do that via Ars Nova, a single use Noble Phantasm only belonging to him.
Side note, Archer’s attempt to leave the Throne by killing his past self and causing a paradox has always been completely nonsensical, right? Since one of the most basic facts about the Throne is that it exists outside of time, how would that work at all? I’ve seriously never understood that since it seems pretty obvious.
As far as I know, Ars Nova and Musashi’s final sword technique in Olympus are the only known cases of someone successfully leaving the Throne.
So basically using the wish to figure out how to duck out of the Throne of Heroes should only reveal to him that the few possible methods are either completely gone (Ars Nova) or basically impossible for him (Musashi’s Chaos slash). Then again, there are virtually infinite worlds where some rando could’ve found a more feasible way to get out of the Throne, but I can’t imagine any of those options would be something Archer could actually do considering how hyper specialised for killing shit he is, even with all the NP’s at his disposal. And even THEN, even if he does go back to the Throne with his newfound knowledge, why couldn’t Alaya just, y’know, stop him from remembering, if it was able to keep him from even considering the possibility of leaving the Throne it should be possible to seal those memories too.
Obviously, Iri and Archer are gonna be stopped, ‘cause like duh-doy, but even if he did succeed I can only imagine him facing the biggest Despair Event Horizon of his life as he realises there really IS no way out, at least for him.
Maybe, or maybe I’m dead wrong about everything, wouldn’t be the first time I had no idea what I was talking about.
Archer really shouldn’t be using Romani as his reference point for ditching the Throne, since he could only do that via Ars Nova, a single use Noble Phantasm only belonging to him.
Side note, Archer’s attempt to leave the Throne by killing his past self and causing a paradox has always been completely nonsensical, right? Since one of the most basic facts about the Throne is that it exists outside of time, how would that work at all? I’ve seriously never understood that since it seems pretty obvious.
As far as I know, Ars Nova and Musashi’s final sword technique in Olympus are the only known cases of someone successfully leaving the Throne.
So basically using the wish to figure out how to duck out of the Throne of Heroes should only reveal to him that the few possible methods are either completely gone (Ars Nova) or basically impossible for him (Musashi’s Chaos slash). Then again, there are virtually infinite worlds where some rando could’ve found a more feasible way to get out of the Throne, but I can’t imagine any of those options would be something Archer could actually do considering how hyper specialised for killing shit he is, even with all the NP’s at his disposal. And even THEN, even if he does go back to the Throne with his newfound knowledge, why couldn’t Alaya just, y’know, stop him from remembering, if it was able to keep him from even considering the possibility of leaving the Throne it should be possible to seal those memories too.
Obviously, Iri and Archer are gonna be stopped, ‘cause like duh-doy, but even if he did succeed I can only imagine him facing the biggest Despair Event Horizon of his life as he realises there really IS no way out, at least for him.
Maybe, or maybe I’m dead wrong about everything, wouldn’t be the first time I had no idea what I was talking about.