Just In
for Butterfliies

10/23/2012 c1 2Animefangirl95
Aww that was too sweet!
3/11/2012 c1 8RobinLover4Ever
ausome! great for your first fanfic! I got a few more comin' btw. fivtion i mean, fanfictions about BATMAN and ROBIN doing stuff... and SLADE and ROBIN doing stuff too...i love those two pairs don't you! I was acctully really impressed by tour first fanfic. Though, you could make it a little more detailed.
9/11/2011 c1 ConfusedSoAmI
Nice and sweet :)
7/28/2011 c1 12E person
Awww, such an adorable story! I loved it. Please, write more stories! I like your style. Sweet, short yet detailed, and to the point. NaruHina is such a cute couple.
7/24/2011 c1 Nafsi-chan
Aww!What a-nice-little-cute story!
7/23/2011 c1 32Christopher Scott
Great oneshot, and, I'd like to say welcome to fanfiction. That was adorable. I look forward to more fro you.truly, Christopher Scott: A Gentleman Thief
7/23/2011 c1 Your sister
Not my favorite pairing, but still cute.
7/23/2011 c1 8Ninja Machine
This is so cuuuuuute! NaruHina rocks! You are a really good writer! :)

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