Just In
for Boiling Water

10/28/2015 c7 BlackDragonShinigami
So cute! And gray's an ass
1/3/2014 c7 6Charissa Sophia de la Rosa
Hi! This is a nice story. I'm really starting to admire Navia.
9/15/2013 c6 2Lanvia
*pant* That was.. AWESOME! I LOVE NAVIA SQUUEEE! 3
9/15/2013 c4 Lanvia
By golly gee whiz! I am in LOVE with NaVia.. officially O_e
9/15/2013 c1 Lanvia
I don't know why but I'm suddenly so obsessed over Juvia and Natsu being a couple! I've been searching everywhere for good NaVia stories! And I must admit that your story makes me want to read about NaVia even more!
9/7/2013 c7 VSX-2018
I forgot to mention something. If you are going to do a Ben 10 and One Piece crossover based on the author's (I already forgotten her name) original work, Ten Piece, don't forget to bring Julie and Ship along. I like her and Ship.
5/31/2013 c6 Juvia Lockser
Hi I'm Juvia from Google and I just wanted to say, THAT WAS AWSOME! I search for Natsuvia(NatsuJuvia) fanfic everywhere and this was just what I was looking for! I love it! Pls make more chapters about their dates a:-) nd , and pls contact me on G when u do!
3/24/2013 c7 Yarachi-chanX3
nice! keep up da gud work!
9/8/2012 c7 Guest
you should read one piece rise of the pirate queen
9/8/2012 c7 Guest
Are you gonna adopted Ten Piece?
5/7/2012 c7 16NxE-Forever
Sorry for the late review! x) But its a really sweet chapter! Loved it! :D
4/24/2012 c7 TaimBoboCat
Nice fic, even though the romance moved a little too fast you still managed to end it nicely, will there be any more chapters?
3/18/2012 c7 1Meow meow kitty
This chapter was cute.
3/3/2012 c7 FireFistAce111
Yaaay you continued! I loved this chapter lol XD!
1/19/2012 c6 Affy Taffy
XD exroardinary! like before, continue whenever you can with this wonderful story!
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