Just In
for Alex's First Time

5/17/2013 c1 4HarryHermioneEdwardBella
awesome story
3/19/2013 c2 Kaycie232
Haha I loved this story. It actually made me laugh because I can just imagine the expression on his face!
2/13/2013 c2 Guest
No third chapter about after sex..
5/4/2012 c2 soulette314
you should totally make sequel to this it was so good, i want 2 know what happens afterward
2/6/2012 c1 34chymom
Great look. Did you follow these two chapters up?
1/28/2012 c2 5DramioneShipperz
You should do an aftermath sequel. Like what happens after he finds out he slept with his siater. Please.. if not, its cool. I would like more tho.
11/14/2011 c2 6WyldCard4

Odd fic, even for the incest genre. That's a good thing, of course. Not sure what to make of it. Works as a short story. Sure, I'd want to see more, but this is all we really need for this story. We've seen the forbidden incestuous love affair many times. This is just the monumental screw up of Justin's with Alex taking full advantage.
10/20/2011 c2 Anonymous Coward
I want more.

How does Justin deal with it?
10/6/2011 c2 9mochiusagi
Hahaha 'oh hell' indeed.
10/3/2011 c2 FozuzGaoa
LMAO ! That was really fun to read :) !
9/10/2011 c2 13dulscar
ha! nicely done. almost as sexy as the first ch. but this one was pretty funny! good job!
8/31/2011 c1 3panda.bunny
I really liked this! It was actually really fucking funny! Can't wait to read the next part!
8/24/2011 c1 28Wintreaux
I thought he knew!

I thought he was putting his head in his hands in the beginning was because he was all "what am I doing this is alex" and the only reason he did it was so she didn't have to fuck an old stranger dude.

I thought during the sex he'd moan her name. Or at least at the end of the intercourse he'd be like "do you need me to drive you home Alex?" Haha, NEVERTHELESS good story. Please update the second part.
8/17/2011 c1 1k+Lord Jeremy Silver
This was so nice!

8/14/2011 c1 mauzziegirl
Very good detail. I liked how well you kept him secret, and it left me wondering until the very end if it was Justin or Zeke, but slowly you made it more and more obvious. The end also made me shake with laughter. Well done! :D
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