Just In
for A Legend in the Making

1/27/2020 c19 Sparrowmoonlovessticks
Amazing story - I'm sad that it was abandoned! I would love to adopt this story if possible... I have some ideas for the next few chapters!
9/29/2019 c19 love toshiro dragon
Hi I was just wondering if u were gonna update this story anymore? I hope so. It’s a really good story! I wanna know what happens with Kakashi and the wolf demon! And what Sasuke does next? I don’t like him but for Naruto sake I hope he comes around but I don’t see how he would cuz he never herd the truth about Itachi. Hope to hear from u! XD
3/16/2019 c19 A fan
As much as I wish there was an update on this story, it’s just been so many years and I can tell it’s never going to come. However, I do wish you would at least say that this story has been discontinued/abandoned rather than just letting it sit there with people clinging onto some hope that’ll be updated at some point. Hope I’ve made my point and I do hope you are well.
3/15/2019 c19 MehLife
2/21/2019 c19 Guest
please continue
7/26/2018 c19 hatakekakashi7
Are you going to update? Please say YES
9/11/2017 c19 GracieNg
please update ! it's so gooddd
10/25/2016 c19 MVX
Wait. there are no more chapters?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
9/17/2016 c19 Guest
update pleaseee
7/5/2016 c19 7KnightA3
I'm really enjoying this. I've looked at other stories with a similar concept, and this is definitely the best I've found. It's just a shame this story is incomplete. Do you plan on continuing this?
4/29/2016 c19 bobsully
Absolutely loving this story. Cant help but notice it hasn't been updated in 2 years though :( any chance there's an update in the near future? :)
2/11/2016 c19 skyhawk.04
Hello there! The story haven't been updated since 2014 and I really enjoyed this story! It has a lot of potential and I really hope you haven't lost any inspiration for this story. It would be quite sad if you did. The ideas are excellent and the plot is getting interesting. It is nice to see Kakashi get a new master like Akio and a new summoning like Kioshi. Will he master dragon sage? Will he defeat the White Wolf or will he become friends with him? Please update soon! I can't wait to hear more from this story! Thank you for writing this enjoyable read.
11/21/2015 c19 Guest
I like story's of how Kakashi is half demon it's hard to find good ones in the very few that are out on this website. And another thing, was this the last chapter for this story? And are you going to make a sequel for this fanfic? And if you are your weighting is so good I would pay to read it.
10/11/2015 c19 Guest
One simple Word: wow! Your Story is Awesome! The plot in himself is so good, the characters Are not to OC and i Love akio... Thanks that you didnt kill jiraiya!
I have so say your writing skills Improved Great! At First it was just Dialog but in the sequel you Wrote texts and Monologes, too... Great work but please Continue...

Greetings from the stupidiest Land in Earth, Germany ...:3
9/23/2015 c19 Guest
love this story so much 3
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