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6/14/2022 c1 Jojofruit
Wonderful! I needed a break in the Sherlock angst in reading and this definitely made me laugh!
7/31/2019 c1 5Noxvae
You made me laugh xD
5/15/2018 c1 anamarie
haha it's uncanny the two. My faves though
9/8/2017 c1 darkynstars
Yes! Things exactly correct! I love this!
8/16/2015 c1 Ellie
NICE ! I luv it !
7/10/2015 c1 Guest
If those two did meet, I wouldn't be surprised if something like this would happen.
8/31/2014 c1 25ProudCanadianGal101
Umm, what did I read?!
1/24/2014 c1 Apryl91
And thus, a duo that, with their combined IQ's could have brought countries to their knees, were too busy picking on each other to even bother trying, lol. Tragically, their relationship was doomed from the beginning because the only thing House and Sherlock dislike more than other people is themselves, so it obly makes sense that they wouldn't be able to stand each other. *sighs woefully for the masterminded shenanigans that could have been*
1/22/2014 c1 40VivatRex
Adorable. XD
12/18/2013 c1 Crystallyne Vixen
Those two together will make the universe explode
10/20/2013 c1 8Akemi2013
LMAO! Loved it!
4/10/2013 c1 Shadowgate
Why not do a Sherlock crossover with Scooby-Doo?
2/11/2013 c1 8Naie Black
12/6/2012 c1 wtfbenj
LOL this is good! I've always been wondering what'd happen if those four met.
10/31/2012 c1 Animefangirl2007
Then. arm in arm, they[Holmes and House] strut off into the sunset, ready to wreak havoc.
I bursted out laughing when I read this line.
Poor Watson and Wilson...
Can you do a next chapter, please?
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