Just In
for Our Mornings

1/14/2012 c6 lurking artist
no dying for me! this story is intersting, in a good way!
12/20/2011 c3 1Infinii
Review twice.. xD I'm likin this story so far. ^^
12/20/2011 c1 Infinii
A humble beginning.. ah, yes. Really.
11/13/2011 c6 8dpp3530
Fights like this are never good. Hope it ends well.
11/11/2011 c5 1Fragar1991
Ohhh Sam smoke! Jeje can be sexy but a little gross too! Hehe

11/10/2011 c2 Fragar1991
Ohhhh mornings like that are amazing! :D

11/10/2011 c1 Fragar1991
An awesome start! :D hehe

11/9/2011 c5 8Jakarie
Very short, but very good. Loving the story so far
10/13/2011 c4 4femslash29
uh oh... is freddy planning something?
10/9/2011 c4 40SweettFace
I have a strange feeling that something will happen between Freddie and Sam. If it does I will be really happy, because then there will be Drama and MissSeddie LOVES drama!
10/8/2011 c4 8dpp3530
Nice update. I feel sorry for Freddie. Good response by Sam.
9/30/2011 c3 4IAMCAGE
I like this story keep up the good work
8/28/2011 c3 8Jakarie
Very good, hope you update soon
8/25/2011 c3 Guest
Very nice, I hope you continue. And, well, we all know Sam's just as into it as Carly ;)
8/22/2011 c3 8dpp3530
I like this story. Sam was in-character particularly. Nice interaction between the girls, especally at the end.
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