Just In
for A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

11/9/2012 c4 wotumba1
yeah, that picture really seems to be perfect...

great story!
11/9/2012 c2 wotumba1
how can they ever get out of this mess?
11/9/2012 c1 wotumba1
that's what i call faith! peter has come a long way to still believe in neal like that!
12/26/2011 c4 3WynonaRose
I loved it. No resolution leaves it open to whatever the network decides. Great!

I'm a southern California grandma so I had a nice 78 degree Christmas. Hope you stayed warm as well!

Happy New Year! Looking forward to many more stories in 2012!
12/25/2011 c4 4canadianscanget
All the king's horses and all the king's men.

I don;t know why but this has always been one of my favourite lines - I keep wondering how Neal and Peter will put their relationship back together too.

Merry Christmas ( Hope your nice and toasty warm, with your feet up enjoy all the Christmas cheer) G
12/25/2011 c4 7huge sg1 fan
great story. i really enjoyed it. :)
12/25/2011 c4 17JeanneZ84
This was such a moving chapter.

I loved this whole story.

It shows me there is hope in relationships and,building back friendships you've lost,and also that maybe family relationships can be rebuilt.

12/25/2011 c4 grandmalolo
What a perfect story ending, especially on Christmas. Thanks!
12/12/2011 c3 3Jules1993
excellent story so far! can't wait to
12/12/2011 c3 Lolo
So glad you're back! I'm already looking forward to the next scene.
12/12/2011 c3 4canadianscanget
Through the Looking Glass indeed. You really do have to be careful what you chew on, or at least mull over, when you stand on the other side of the glass. Glad you found time to write so more. Cheers CCG
12/11/2011 c3 4peanutmeg
I love how you've written Peter and Neal! I can't wait to read more!
12/11/2011 c3 3WynonaRose
Wow. A dark angsty chapter. I love it. But it is time to wake up Peter!
12/11/2011 c3 4vlwillis
Wow... Not sure what else I can say, that was heavy... WOW
12/11/2011 c3 17JeanneZ84
No one should have to make that kind of choice.

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