Just In
for Sleeping Beauty

3/16/2014 c1 123FandomStarlight
ASDFGHJKL awwwwww! That was sooooooooo cute! :)
9/12/2011 c1 62Mr Bellatrix Lestrange
I want fluff lessons from you! *pouts* because this is exactly the happy break my heart needs once in a while. Teach me the ways! loves it*
8/13/2011 c1 9Sonomi-chan
So cute. Loved it!
8/10/2011 c1 8maddddds5
Omg this is so sweet and adorable!
8/3/2011 c1 Magic
SO cute! I loved the "Well, it was more of a snore than my name"-part.
8/2/2011 c1 51imSiriuslyLupin4you
So so sweet! I love Sirius... He is adorable. ^.^

""Well, it was more of a snore than my name," Sirius admitted, crawling onto the sofa, leaning his head on Remus' chest, the languid heartbeat of his lover calming him. "But it was very endearing.""

That was my favorite bit... :)
8/2/2011 c1 53TangerineFields
"But then you muttered my name and it was so compelling I had to kiss you, and here we are having this conversation." - This is possibly my favourite line that you have ever written.

I love it, it's lifted me right out of my angst :D xx

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