Just In
for Heaven Forbid

4/9/2023 c1 1AbbyWanderlust
Yay another dead fic...
8/18/2019 c11 Jana80
I started reading this on deviant and followed it here. Such a great start and I hope you pick this back up again.
11/24/2018 c11 5MomoPeachFlower
So sad that you never finished this, was looking forward to more. Absolutely love your writing style
7/6/2014 c11 Jazzybella
Dayum, I am impressed with this story. I want more, pretty please. Great plot, story, characters, just a well down job!
1/23/2014 c11 Guest
Please update soon! :-)
9/4/2013 c11 5HaibaraAiFan
Dafuq Hiro?! Why would he kiss Karin?!
6/12/2013 c11 148BlackSoulStar
Update soon, please. I almost forgot about what happened in this story, please update again soon
6/10/2013 c11 mysticalphoenix-avalon
Cliffhanger! I hate them. It was getting so good. Want to read the next chapter please?
9/26/2012 c10 3Silverpearl2
keep it up!
8/12/2012 c10 6AllyKatButterfly
this is freaking awesome keep writing
8/4/2012 c10 148BlackSoulStar
Oh I love this. Please keep updating
5/6/2012 c10 mysticalphoenix-avalon
OMG! I love this story. It's been a long time since I'd come across a good story between Karin and Toshiro. Your writing has managed to make all the characters come alive.

Please update soon! I am looking forward to the next chapter and I really want to know who is behind Karin! The suspends is killing me...

3/30/2012 c10 25themirrorminder.372259
ououo i wonder who the person behind her is ! I be its "it";P I cna't wait to find out! keep up the great work and update soon please :)
3/30/2012 c8 themirrorminder.372259
wow good job keep up the great work ! :D
3/5/2012 c10 1Deyoki
Wow! I read all those chapters on one breath! Really good story you have here ;D And I can't wait for more ;D
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