Just In
for A Dragons Rose

8/15/2012 c3 16tacticsbb
ughhhh why paty... you killed the story... i couldn't get past the first scene... why would Rosa be a killer sociopath? why don't you develop the character so that the reader (ME) understands why the sudden terrible plot twist.
this was too rushed. too rushed.
8/15/2012 c2 tacticsbb
AND like I predicted, I lol'ed HARD at this "… her name is Rosa Romero."
Anyhow, much better chapter than the first. Draco isn't OOC, you did a good job, except the last paragraph, that was super rushed.

Valentina reads fanfiction?
8/15/2012 c1 tacticsbb
tsk tsk terrible. Let's see whats coming up next.
Ok not terrible. Good potential, question is, can you reach that potential?
12/20/2011 c4 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
really good please go on!
12/17/2011 c4 Brook-Lucas-Fan-23
This was a great chapter . I hope you update soon.
12/17/2011 c3 reviewer
This has been looking good, but have you had this chapter checked by your beta? Apart from that well done.
10/9/2011 c3 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
really sweet please go on!
8/12/2011 c2 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
very good please go on!
8/3/2011 c1 5MadInLikeWithYou
It's very well written, and I can't wait to see where you go with the story. Update soon!
8/3/2011 c1 Guest
Sweet please update later today or early tomorrow luv ya

8/3/2011 c1 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
really good please go on! and cissa is prego yay! i love cissy she so sweet, I mean she deserves an order for being able to put up with evil lucius and insane bitch of a sister!

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