Just In
for Fallacy

8/6/2015 c5 Kelp-it-up
I feel like an idiot. I was suspicious that Envy was the Yven and now I know and I feel completely stupid ofr not realizing Envy and Yven had the same letters. Unless that wasn't the intention?
10/14/2014 c18 Guest
Oh my goodddddd you must update! Ugh it's been forever, but I'll wish anyways!
8/20/2014 c18 Maddiedeathrose
I hope that you are still making new chapters because I love it it's so good please continue :)
8/16/2014 c18 envious
its been over 2 years... ;_; i have fallen in love with this fic... please update!
4/6/2014 c18 Ciara Jaylin
Please update! I absolutely LOVED this chapter! I think that Claire is now a step closer to understanding Envy, since she now knows (or at least has the general idea) of the relationship between him and Hohenhime. You also do a great job of keeping Envy in character, which is more than I can say for most EnvyxOC fanfics. I personally think that the ClairexEnvy pairing is adorable.
3/27/2014 c18 22Penelope Jadewing
Yay, an Envy/OC story that takes things slowly and realistically! :D

*cough* Anyway. I do really like how Claire is off doing her own thing, rather than just dogging the Elrics' steps. It's not done too often. Also, while I haven't watched the whole of the original FMA anime, I have watched all of Brotherhood, and I like how you seem to have a balance between the two versions of Envy. And I also think you've done wonderfully with the canon characters; they're all in character and brilliantly written. And Claire is unique as well, which is quite refreshing. _

I'm definitely eager for more! Keep up the good work!

10/27/2013 c18 12Princess Unikitty
cool so far. keep it up.
8/16/2013 c18 xOxO Lost Angel OxOx
Interesting. I like how things are going on a slower more realistic pace than other stories I've read. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, so please update soon!
6/6/2013 c6 Victini-Kumi
Ya probably won't read this, but... *squeeeee* You mentioned someone from an anime I like! I love, love, LOVE it when people do that!
6/6/2013 c18 Rin Shirosaki
I would certainly see part 19))
5/4/2013 c18 Guest
*knock knock* um, hello? did your author's block pills spilled on the pool of magma? i like the story so far, you have better grammar than 90% of fics there and your chars act totally natural. will you send them to brotherhood locations anytime soon?
3/20/2013 c16 Ace
Envy is soooo gunna fall for her!
Is gunna creep up on them? R they gunna notice feelings that are startn to grow?!
i would very much like this to be a good EnvyXO.C... Don't let me down my dear writer-or I'll tell Ed that you called him shorty-Mcshort-short. lol
Thanx for the good read so far!
2/22/2013 c18 1Bramble123
This is the best OCxCanon (and OCxEnvy) I have ever see!
Your OC is not a Mary-Sue, and if someone says that she is, I'll punch them in the face. (not really. I would be too guilty afterwards, and I don't like causing pain). She is a normal person. Well, normalish. She has a perfect amount of all the qualities that make an enjoyable OC, or just a protagonist in any media.
The romance is paced perfectly. Too many people forget that Envy is psychopathic, an near-absent moral code (he looked horrified when Gluttony lost his mind. But I think that's as far as it stretches), and an easily-breakable grip on sanity. He is not a character that would fall in love quickly, if at all. And you designed a good OC to pair him with.
I don't know the other things that you do right, but it almost all of it works. This is going on my "Favs" list, and my "Follows", so UPDATE SOON PLEASE! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!
12/22/2012 c1 7This isn't what it looks like
oh, how you torture us cursed bunny,we dont know if your dead or alive right now, since you havent been posting PLEASE POST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I DYE EVEYTIME I DONT SEE ONE OF YOUR UPDATES!
10/6/2012 c18 gotboredofthisonenotcomingback
i really enjoy this, makes me wanna make an EnvyxOC too. update please!
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