Just In
for A Birthday Kiss

12/21/2019 c1 16pokemaster101
11/7/2015 c1 Guest
9/3/2013 c1 12Mewsea
Gah! This is sooo cute! XD I kinda wish there was more, though.
4/8/2013 c1 Guest
Oh, how cute!
7/7/2012 c1 15Mystia Katsuragi
nice birthday present lol
6/26/2012 c1 FurudoErikas
This was so incredibly cute xD Loved it.
12/11/2011 c1 kamimimi
If Red had asked me to kiss him (or anyone for that matter), I'd have stood there and gaped until the sun exploded. Trufax right there. Coz I'm impossibly shy.

11/1/2011 c1 Rai
Green suddenly taking control was a bit... Odd xD Didn't really fit, but overall it was really cute ^^
9/12/2011 c1 2Fatalis Ultima
9/5/2011 c1 RianLena
XD It's so awkward and adorkable XD Great job!
8/27/2011 c1 18Plasma Pegasus
Cue melted, fangirly goop in 3... 2... 1...

That was... adorable. Just... just adorable. I wish I could give you a better, more coherent review... one with critiques, with my appreciating more in-depth why I liked this, how wonderful your word choice was, the cute and awkward manners of Green and Red's... Red... ways...

...but the cuteness... ;A;
8/19/2011 c1 SilverAllure
Very cute and great grammar! ^^
8/12/2011 c1 ShonenAiFreak94
Aww... It's so sweet!

The way Red's trying to take the initiative and Green's clumsiness are just adorable!

I like how you described them both in detail using many adverbs and all. That gives good insight into what's actually going on inside their heads so you can really empathize with them.

You could've used some metaphors or comparisons as well.

Also, their feelings seem so genuine that I can actually feel the butterflies in their stomachs.

It's just DAMN CUTE! /

I hope your Nerin likes it as much as I do!

8/9/2011 c1 SweetNTart
Happy b-day Red!

Very cute story! Poor Green... *Shakes head* You clumsy boy!

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