Just In
for Come Tenderness

5/12/2012 c1 14Cariad1987
heartbreaking but sweet and at least Harry is looking after her! want to hug him though, she is yours Harry she just wont admit it
8/9/2011 c1 10tigpop
Aww! Can I have a Harry instead of a hot water bottle? Please? :)

This was so cute :) loved Harry's conversation from outside the door :D

So glad you uploaded! Even if it was number 4 :p definitely worth it!


8/9/2011 c1 Izzy
Gorgeous, I really enjoyed reading this, well written.
8/9/2011 c1 4Starr123
Aww so cute and perfect, love how Harry is always there for her :D

Love Freya x
8/9/2011 c1 ClemQ
I am glad you braved the number 4 and published this because it was brilliant! :) I agree that Nikki could not have been 'alright' after that episode and the others in that series, and so this carried on beautifully from the episode :) xx
8/9/2011 c1 51Charlotte88
Oh, this was lovely! Really beautifully written. :) x
8/9/2011 c1 17pinkswallowsun
Such a perfect balance of angst and caring Harry! :) And a great episode to set it after too; I loved that one but it doesn't seem to get much attention on here. And I loved how Harry replaced the hot water bottle in comforting her; such a brilliant way of showing how much they mean to each other :)

Loved it, going to read it again now :)

Love Flossie xxx
8/9/2011 c1 12Audrey1119
Really nice :)

Her feelings are understandable and her actions in character. Makes much more sense than beinh "alright straight away", that we get in the show.

Loved this, thank you for sharing.
8/9/2011 c1 EmmaJ1996
Love the fact that Harry replaces the hot water bottle as Nikki's comfort!

This was just so beautiful!

Love Em x

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