Just In
for Geniuses Shouldn't Text

12/7/2015 c1 SmileyTree
Omg a little cheesy at one part but I love how it all links together at the end
Very enjoyable XD
4/27/2014 c1 10RoastPigeon
Hahaha, there I was hoping she would read all of them and freak out :D

As for that question, I'd go for the egg. Considering the way evolution works, the first egg containing an actual chicken should've been laid by a creature which was not completely a chicken yet (just a bird very similar) and the embrio was subject to a genetic mutation, making it what we call a chicken today. But I believe, as some of those birds got closer and closer to chicken genetically by natural selection, it's hard to set a borderline between what's considered a chicken and what isn't. And domestication should also be considered.
4/23/2014 c1 anon
8/24/2013 c1 luana kelly m
I liked a lot because it is very good to know how i descobrir geniuses were or how amart are
8/7/2013 c1 kellygirl6754
I liked it, though I do wish that Misa had actually read the very provocative texts instead of only the beginning. It would've made things a big interesting.
10/15/2012 c1 Concubines
LOL! I love it.
9/16/2012 c1 13Presto-Deleto
I love it! I can totally picture Misa's reaction if she read the entire thing! XD
8/22/2012 c1 D3ATHR0SE
So, Misa dooesnt read the last bit, rite?
8/9/2012 c1 Viola2909
6/28/2012 c1 2MikanSakura1127

Diabetics nightmare diet X3 I lost it! XD
6/9/2012 c1 9Blue Sysin
Awwwww, it was hot, but I wanted misa's reaction!
1/15/2012 c1 45Mairu and Kururi
12/13/2011 c1 SP
Um... You know that "excrete" refers exclusively to expelling waste from the body. As in poop.
11/21/2011 c1 4whitelotus123
that was no fail i really enjoyed this! XD
11/9/2011 c1 1pentagram detected
I loved this so much. I can't help but giggle when I think about this conversation occurring. Poor Misa didn't get to read the rest.
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