Just In
for Guardians

4/17/2013 c1 3Firenze Fox
Awwwwwwwwww, this was really good! This actually happened to me several times because I have two mothers, and I love them both to death! Really, really sweet, keep writing!
2/20/2013 c1 204DolbyDigital
'Prongslet' - that's awesome, and I love how Sirius is acting like a little kid refusing to take his bath. The permission slips at my school just said parent/guardian and only one person had to sign which is probably better. And I would call you, but I live in England so that could get pretty expensive...
12/30/2011 c1 8cholericnorth
You don't want to get a phone call from me, for I am... DEATH! Haha, I kid.

Great story, I really liked it.

~Snicks likes Twix
9/4/2011 c1 16StickWithaPseudonym
Call you? OKAY!

No, I kid. Cute story ^_^
8/24/2011 c1 32TechNomaNcer28
Haha!Goodness,that was just too good!Mother father indeed!
8/10/2011 c1 3CuriousJorgi
Omg love this. & I love the number since I used to have a 402 area code before I moved!
8/9/2011 c1 51imSiriuslyLupin4you
No way is that phone number real...

Anyway, that is a wonderfully true and hilarious story. This one girl at my school has two moms and she's always complaining about parental slips like that
8/9/2011 c1 3Lynette Serina Jones Harkness
grate story and what up with the phone #
8/9/2011 c1 17zutarakid50
Lol! Sirius is like a little kid! XD great job with this ^^
8/9/2011 c1 8jamesandlilyff
Lol, prongslet :)

Im very tempted to call you by the way

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