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for Robert Jameson and the Seven Amulets

9/11/2011 c4 Robert Jameson
Thanks for mentioning me :)! I love the cliffhanger at the end. Is it a dragon that heard them? Or is it Hagrid? I'm glad you kept Maria Lee's character in there. Her 'dubious' personality, as you put it, definitely adds to the story. A few things. I get the feeling you like to do first person stories, because there are a couple sentences that sound a bit off. At least you didn't call Robert 'I' at all! Of course, if you'd done that the whole story, that wouldn't be bad, but your story is in third person, so try to make it seem that way. Robert seems very smart in this chapter, whereas in the chapter before, he was stunned and a typical pre-teen. What's with that? Over all, I love the story, and please keep updating every chance you get! I really want to know what happens in the next chapter!
8/17/2011 c3 Robert Jameson
A little short, but I loved this chapter! You should keep Maria Lee's doubting personality in the story. You used the word shocked a lot...could you come up with some synonyms for shocked?
8/14/2011 c2 Robert Jameson
Wow, that was really quick! I think you should've made the chapter longer, though... but anyway, I loved it. Is Maria Lee a wizard too? I hope she is, because that would be neat! Please update again!
8/14/2011 c1 Robert Jameson
Please update! I wonder who this Lamaka is. Please add more of him! Oh, and that Australian didn't elaborate on her, so please do so!

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