Just In
for Garden Of Eden: Remake

12/16/2019 c9 5egatoti
That was...poor riddle
12/16/2019 c8 egatoti
I wonder what the hell is happening with ron?
12/16/2019 c7 egatoti
Don't make draco like that pleaseee
12/16/2019 c6 egatoti
I do feel bad for draco right now T_T
Please find someone perfect for draco so he can forget about harry
12/16/2019 c5 egatoti
Mm..i just don't understand why riddle got paled?
12/16/2019 c4 egatoti
Whaaatttt? Why must her?!
12/16/2019 c2 egatoti
I'm curioussss _
When riddle will approuch anyway?
12/16/2019 c1 egatoti
I would like to choose the first one anyway
8/6/2019 c11 1Hiina
I'm sad... And frustrated, but I understand you.
Its... you remember how you wanted this to end? It would be wonderful to just see where they would go. Just a last chapter with your thoughts about the end.

It was a wonderful reading. And I thank you for not deleting this, because I had a really good time. Thank you.
7/30/2019 c11 8Natsuyuuki
4/30/2019 c1 AV230305
3/10/2019 c11 D. Akisira R.T.M.S
I hope it's still harry and tom as a pairing! Please!
3/9/2019 c11 Pizza delivery
Hey I've read this story and I have to say that I just absolutely hate Riddle in this story.
Maybe a similar story where Harry just doesn't magically falls in love with him but his hate and determination to fight/kill vampires gets stronger?
(don't misunderstand me normally I love this pairing)
Maybe where there is a scene where Tom is being very delusional and Harry is so angry and hateful in that particular moment that he makes a magical vow on his live to destroy, never love or something like that? That would be so awesome too read.
(maybe endgoal pairing is draco/Harry)?
My email:
1/20/2019 c11 Faqeera
I am sad that u will not continue it. But still I wait for ur new book
1/19/2019 c11 xxOchibixx
I really did like your story plot but I was starting to hate Harry's personality. I'll be looking forward to your new story.
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