Just In
for And I'm Still Reaching

9/14/2013 c1 4fairyrose
OMG. These poor boys. Is that the end? Please no.
9/8/2013 c1 4John W. Black
Please continue! PLEASE!
9/8/2013 c1 44Blame Blam
what? Are you kidding me? I'm crying... this is all so wrong... damn it
Well written of course I'm now waiting for you to write more Blam stories
2/7/2013 c1 Noodles
...That was just flipping depressing all the way through! Just when there was hope it all just fades :( Poor Blam!
11/6/2011 c1 4AriGolden
Dear God that was pure saddness :(
11/5/2011 c1 2youcancallmemae
I am crying so hard right now, that was amazing, and so sad, and it broke my heart, and you're such an amazing writer. We need more Blam fan fiction on this webiste.
8/17/2011 c1 Aledda
Oh the first section is already breaking my heart. Sam lying about leaving and about staying in contact. Poor unsuspecting Blaine. This is going to an angsty mess isn't it?

Angry Blaine emerges! He definitely has the right to be angry with Sam. Cutting him out of his life, lying, pretending they had never met and what not. So, I'm glad Blaine's upset but I'm also glad he's willing to listen. Blaine is just so earnest and understanding all the time. It's his best and worst qualities. But oh Sam still loves Blaine. And Blaine still loves Sam. But Blaine also loves Kurt. Damn this is complicated. But someday...

Hmm, I'm skeptical if Sam is really going to come out. Oh well it looks like he just might be but...nope. Moving. Wow, Sam. Oh gosh, the parallels between the beginning scene and this one. But the only difference is at least Sam knows not to lie, even if the lie would make Blaine feel better. The image of Blaine on the ground sobbing is breaking my heart.

Sam's parents are making me go into a rage here. Just let your damn kid be happy! But just because they're in different states doesn't mean they wont get to be together someday. So, I firmly believe that after high school Sam rebels from his parents, ends up running into Blaine and they finally get to be together with no secrets and no hiding.

In case you couldn't tell from the long and detailed review, I really liked this! Even if the angst kind of killed me (why do I read angst when it just breaks my heart?).

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