Just In
for Shall it be Lima or Stockholm?

6/13/2013 c1 ashleynormanann
I'm glad you did this one instead of two highschoolers! it's really good so far :)
6/11/2013 c8 1Shiptress
Masochists. The both of them.
5/28/2013 c8 fairywings606
I'm totally loving this story. I can't wait to see what happens next because I am totally at the edge of my seat!
5/8/2013 c8 2laiera
Gajeel you animal ;) !
1/28/2013 c8 1ChibiMorgan
i quite enjoyed your got a little weird when she reverted to a child...but i guess i can understand that.
11/7/2012 c8 4Miika47
Love the ending to this particular chapter! Some parts of the story were a tad bit confusing to me, but I was able to figure it out. In fact, I learned something! I didn't know Lima Syndrome was a thing! Keep writing, and hope to see more fics from you!
8/10/2012 c8 Guest

You built up towards this moment and you didn't disappoint. will you be continuing with this some more? I hope you are. But then again... naa I don't think you could ruin it so don't "quit while your ahead"

8/9/2012 c5 12SakuraIchigoDark
I reviewed because of the death threat... just kidding
This story is kinda sweet. It's nice how gajeel have taken levy in and she's like an innocent little child. you made a couple of typos but they're barley noticeable. (lily is a lil' match maker XD)
3/5/2012 c8 2YukinaCross
Hey I think you are doing a great job with writing this story and I really enjoy reading it i hope you continue it soon! ^.^
3/3/2012 c8 DolphinGirl977
WOW! Wonderful chapter hehe . update soon
2/13/2012 c8 Signed
hurry up and update ;)
2/13/2012 c8 Signed
hurry up and update ;)
12/17/2011 c8 xeringsnake
Like i say on the last chapter this is just getting better, i like the dark side u made levy have is kinda mix edo levy from the real fairy tail and gajeel what i will always want to mix . Just perpect , i love the whole love hate plot i always have love that like we will say on spañish "ese te amodio", jus great, well kinda love the word on spañish to. Dont know, hae to say once again u have capture me with this chapter, imlooking forward for more and more of this, keep up the hard work , and happy holidays
12/17/2011 c7 xerinsnake
Dude i havent reat this like for forever, kinda to much work but i may say is coming out really great i didit expect to stay awake just for read, and let me tell u it worth is coz this is amazingly awezome im going to next chapter right away i just letting u knnow this is great and as always keeping my wacth on your great gajeeland levy tales there great ;D
12/1/2011 c8 3DarkestTorture
Great story. I have found no flaws in it. haha Please update soon?
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