Just In
for Shall it be Lima or Stockholm?

8/19/2011 c2 bumblebebe
A dark chapter indeed. I managed to not flinch when he was torturing her but I like what Levy said to him which made him lose his cool. I think you could use a beta, there are s couple spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. Good job though, can't wait for the next one (:
8/19/2011 c1 21Asteriia
Love it! Not many AUs show the full force of Gajeels nasty side from when he was still a part of PL.

Confused about the talk of a 'seal' but I guess that'll be explained... Looking forward to updates!
8/19/2011 c1 to lazy to login
It's a great story, you should definitelly continue
8/19/2011 c1 bumblebebe
Wow, it's so different from your other story, but in a good way :D I love stories like this, the forbidden love haha. I like how you included Lily already since Gajeel always complained about not having a cat xD Can't wait to see what happens next, I hope you update soon (:
8/19/2011 c1 13Medley Nightfallen
Honestly that's good ! And I'm glad you post another fic about them (it's been a while).

Um, it's pretty different comparing to your first fanfiction about Gajeel and Levy too. Geehee ! I like it ! Gajeel acted like a real sadistic bastard, but deep down he seems to have feelings or something... ^^

you said Gajeel hated tears, so why did he become an hitman ? When you are, a lot of people cry because of you, don't they?

If I understand, the more you get reviews, the more you will write ? Geehee, can I write 10 reviews per chapter ? xD

I can't wait for more ! Please update soon ! *0*
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