Just In
for Love Ya Teach!

1/26/2014 c1 MangoPeanutSituation
6/25/2013 c1 3joey-anderson
i wanna know who his lover is
by the way whens the next chapter going to come out?
4/15/2013 c1 Gentle Snow
To leave such a cliffhanger... So evil... :D Hope you're going to continue this :)
1/24/2013 c1 1deathlover25
11/29/2012 c1 dhampire712
Please make the second chapter! I want to see what the students will try and I want to know who it is. Is it Aluade?
8/3/2012 c1 3Magnanimous Crow
Goddammit... Continue it, please... I love Tsuna here. Not so 'dame', but not too cool either. XDDDD
6/14/2012 c1 3Soul Vrazy
Hahahahahahahahah it funny! when are you going update?
5/28/2012 c1 PurpleSong
yes, i like your fanfic. no, you can't leave it. yes, i subscribed. yes, i want you to update.

5/1/2012 c1 8HinataDelDesiertoUchija
OMG I was squealing all the time with this, is the lover Enma?
4/21/2012 c1 49MangaFreak15
Ahaha! It was quite entertaining.
2/15/2012 c1 1cookieswithmilktea
i want to know whos tsuna's lover ^o^ and i hope tsuna is still the uke ^^;
1/14/2012 c1 anon
omg D: please updaaate! you haven't in 5 months D: i really like the idea of 72'and i really would like to see who his boyfriend is!* *
12/23/2011 c1 2unicornndragon
I'm curious! I wonder who Tsuma is talking about. Hope you'll update soon :3
12/19/2011 c1 110th Squad 3rd Seat
I love this Tsuna~I wonder who is lover is...
12/13/2011 c1 21ezcap1st
Hahaha, so cute! Tsuna is pretty much reborn no. 2 here! XD I can't wait for the next chapter~
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