Just In
for A Family's strength Revamped

2/7/2017 c6 Guest
Please continue I would love to see what would happened.
11/17/2011 c3 Gingermegs
I'm glad that Mia and Brian aren't back together always loved Vince and Mia together lol. Awesome so far :)
11/17/2011 c5 Gingermegs
poor letty glad that she has someone to share her burden with. Love how they were scared to Tell letty lol awesome chapter hopefully more to come ;)
11/17/2011 c3 Gingermegs
I'm glad that Mia and Brian aren't back together always loved Vince and Mia together lol. Awesome so far :)
11/17/2011 c2 Gingermegs
Looking good so far can't wait to read the other chapters :)
11/17/2011 c1 Gingermegs
Woot I'm back,really enjoying the beginning hope that you will be back soon. Now I will keep reading
9/29/2011 c5 4xsparklesthemagicalunicornx
Hello! I've been slack I know- totally apologise! I have been saving all the updates in my email inbox ready to read and review eventually. Taking the day off work and catching up right now. I totally love this story a lot more now that its written in story format rather than script (sorry that's mean) but I can understand your ideas and the characters thoughts and actions a lot easier. Are you enjoying writing it like this? Because you're doing a great job =D

9/28/2011 c5 16MmmSuite
Okay firstly, I completely missed this being posted.

Secondly, that was a lot going on right there. I need a diagram of who slept with who!

I'll be more observant next posting! Sorry!
9/11/2011 c5 5tanya2byour21
I still hope Letty is pregnant and I love that Leon is Aurora's boyfriend and the father of her unborn baby girl. I am glad that Letty told her sister her secret. I felt bad for her as she told her sister about the baby she lost and that it might have been Vince's. And her sister is right Mia is going to flip out and so is Dom. I loved the new first chapter and I can't wait to find out what is going to happen next. Keep up the great writing and please post more soon.

9/3/2011 c4 Stacee13
I cannot wait for the team to come together and for Letty to get her boys back. I am happy that she will be an aunt and her sister sounds cool.

I wonder if more siblings will pop up...

Keep up the updates...
8/25/2011 c4 16MmmSuite
A sister? Hmmm...I wasn't expecting that. I wonder what those two are going to discuss. I guess we'll see soon enough.
8/24/2011 c4 5tanya2byour21
Oh come on I want to know if I am right lol but i really think i am but i can wait to find out. lol. I like that you are giving letty a sister in this story and I so can't wait for the guys to show up and the drama of having them back to begain. Keep up the great writing and please post more soon.

8/24/2011 c2 8Love Ink
Yay! Can't wait for Vince to come back!
8/24/2011 c1 Love Ink
I like this story even more now that it has some paragraphs and descriptions! :) Can't wait to read it all over again! Keep up the good work girly!
8/23/2011 c3 16MmmSuite
Letty is really crazy right now to go in there knowing the drivers get killed. I'm glad it's not me.
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