Just In
for Another Me

7/20/2014 c8 1Arcana Elixir
awesome! I wish that Tsuna has more chains that would be so freaking cool!
5/12/2013 c8 9BlackTearAngel
Please don't stop this! And I think Askari x G. An gokudera x takeshi! For extra pairings
11/17/2012 c8 Guest
10/15/2012 c8 Guest
I think you mean 7227 or 2772.
6/15/2012 c8 kitty-chan
please update soon
4/8/2012 c8 110th Squad 3rd Seat
Poor Tsuna!~And Natsu is so cute~

Nana is awesome!Reborn's Chain is weird...
4/8/2012 c8 catxmelons
G2772 sounds adorable c: i wish i could see more 7227 tho!
4/8/2012 c8 Final Syai Lunar Generation
Yes! I knew this had some pandora hearts workings in it! Omg I love this story. Just caught up and damn is this good. I love Natsu! Tsuna is such a cute uke and that picture! *drools* I wouldn't mind having one of those! And Natsu is hot and Giotto also! I love Natsu's personality and how baddass he is! When he silenced the room with his weird sexual comment. XD I laughed at that xp and damn I kinda wanted to see Natsu molest little Tsuna~ it would be hot. And Giotto must've had to really prepare himself to have that picture taken with him. He should keep one just in case. XD for pairing theres abviously already G27 and sided (loves it) 7227. The there could be the famOus 8059. And dice there's already DaemomxAlaude why not add 6918? Unless Mukuro's gonna be a molester to Tsuna like usual XD

Keep up the good work and can't wait to see how the plot wills develop! Sorry for the long review! Loves this story!
4/8/2012 c8 EK12
1/10/2012 c7 YuukiRitsuka
uwah~~ mama ish scary~~ .

next chap!
1/10/2012 c7 10th Squad 3rd Seat
Nana is awesome!Poor poor Asari...
1/7/2012 c6 10th Squad 3rd Seat
Damn that was funny...
9/17/2011 c5 4Sarah Eustacia Eve Rosalie
Oh. My. God! It's suddenly so hot here in this room while I'm reading this awesome Fic. Thanks for updating it and keep up the good work! I would like to see a new chapter soon ;]
9/17/2011 c5 110th Squad 3rd Seat
Bad Giotto bad.Gave me a damn nosebleed.*Covers nose.*
9/17/2011 c5 2sheepykitty
*scratches head* a crossover right? too bad i don't understand half the things going on... ahahha. anyways, i can't wait to see the next chapter and the G27 ness that'll come with it. x3
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