Just In
for The New Strongest Guild

1/19/2012 c3 Affy Taffy
sorry I haven't reviewed! I've also been really busy! But after reading this, I've got to say that this must continue! Very well written, characters are wickedly amazing, etc! continue whenever you get the chance!
1/11/2012 c4 xxIcegalxx
could you please update when you have the chance! And make Natsu jealous by having Gray and Mina hang out! Bring on the NatsuxMina love! XD luv ur story btw.
10/18/2011 c4 21Yachiru Hatake
You know, I may be able to help you in spanish if you would like?
8/29/2011 c3 1Silver Uranium
Aw, Mina liiiikes him...and Natsu's blushing... Keep it up! Can't wait to see more...

8/29/2011 c3 Tamika
I LOVE THIS STORY 3 best story ever
8/29/2011 c3 Tamika
I LOVE THIS STORY 3 best story ever
8/27/2011 c3 The Midnight Shadow Star
Hah! I found my charger! Now, writemorewritemorewritemore! I'm going to keep pestering you till you do!

Lol, nah. But I really like this chapter, and cant wait to see what you have coming up. I wonder what would happen in Lucy called Caidis a gangster...?
8/27/2011 c3 21Yachiru Hatake
i loved it all! ^^ it was amazing. update soon, i would love to ser her reaction when they kiss later on.
8/27/2011 c3 16NxE-Forever
Hopefully they will get together soon!
8/27/2011 c3 1wendyvel
dragged? Sweet!This story had taken my breath away! IT's FREAKING AWESOME! I loved the way now you wrote the story! it's FREAKING AMAZING!PLEASE!UPDATED IT SOON!
8/25/2011 c2 The Midnight Shadow Star
Ok, this story is AWESOME.

The characteres are AWESOME.

The fight scene is AWESOME.

I neeed another word for AWESOME.

Haha, anyway, as I said, this story is amazzing! I can't wait for you to continue, so you better get to typing, mister. And thanks for excepting my characters! Say hi to Jane for me!

See you next chapter!

~Midnight Shadow Star~
8/24/2011 c2 21Yachiru Hatake
hmm...i think it will be a tie. who knows? and i really did love this chapter! my favorite part was when natsu was complenting mina, she ended up thanking and said that he was pretty cute. ha ha! XD i can't wait to read more.
8/24/2011 c2 1wendyvel
I think there will be a draw
8/23/2011 c1 3Emyem565
Nice Story :)

Keep Writin :)
8/23/2011 c1 21Yachiru Hatake
awesome! mina was awesome! she was in character. i love her and her team. thank you so much for writing this! ^^ update soon!
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