Just In
for Gift of a Lifetime

1/13/2021 c3 11Codename-SN
Oh no I wouldn't say there's anything quite like this here it's very unique and interesting
10/8/2015 c2 12Balthanon
Hmm.. given that Minato was about 24 when he had Naruto and Naruto was probably 30 or 40 there he died of old age awfully early. The Sandaime was 70 or something, the leader of Iwa even older, and both going strong- with medic-nins I find it hard to believe someone in as good a shape as Minato would keel over of old age in his 60s.
9/26/2015 c3 8The Reading Elf
Cute! I loved it!
8/2/2015 c3 13HikariNoTenshi-San
This was short, bittersweet (with more sweetness than bitterness), and funny. Like, lol, that ending. XD
8/7/2014 c1 27TETRACIDE
wait. is the older naruto real, as in he's actually there, or is he a picutre? i dont get it..
1/5/2014 c3 10Ser Serendipity

Really, that's all I have to say. Heartwarming, sad, intriguing...

Great job.
12/8/2013 c3 AJGuardian
If he drank it the scales of luck would be so bad that EVERYONE ELSE would have bad luck. And I mean Tsunade Class Bad Luck.
11/29/2013 c3 Cute Kirby
Catches on fast, don't he? Some things never change. :D
11/5/2013 c2 16Duesal Bladesinger
11/5/2013 c1 Duesal Bladesinger
Shouldn't Naruto of all people know that the villagers will NOT see him as a hero? Anyway, this a great start.
8/25/2013 c3 5Viridian
That's so funny :). Maybe I should have followed the story the first time I read this-I didn't realise there was an omake chapter until now.
5/17/2013 c1 4saashi samy
interesting idea
5/14/2013 c3 3KageFireGal
3/17/2013 c3 the-ice-cold-alchemist
Heh lol
3/6/2013 c3 1Wandering Crimson Sage
This is a really short and sweet timetravel story. I would have loved to see the omake about Kushina's Revenge on Jiraiya. ;)
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