Just In
for Mouse

3/25/2012 c10 2Animefangirl95
Ugh I hate Karin she's soooo whiney
3/25/2012 c9 Animefangirl95
Aww this was sweet
3/25/2012 c8 Animefangirl95
Haha how cute;)
3/25/2012 c7 Animefangirl95
Haha I hope Lee doesn't have a crush on her-.- that will only complicate things haha
3/25/2012 c6 Animefangirl95
Haha I've been in similar situations with make up haha
3/25/2012 c5 Animefangirl95
No tenten don't become someone you're not!0.0
3/25/2012 c4 Animefangirl95
Haha what the heck where did Lee get a stress ball haha
3/25/2012 c3 Animefangirl95
Ugh stupid Karin always flirting! Haha cute chapter I love Lee and TenTens friendship
3/25/2012 c2 Animefangirl95
Haha the wake up method is cute haha
3/25/2012 c1 Animefangirl95
Haha most people think they look like panda ears but if mouse ears works for you and your story then hey who am I to judge haha plus it sounds cute when I think about it
3/21/2012 c14 Omn
I definitely know how you feel. I should be doing my homework, but I'm writing a whole bunch of reviews now.

I feel bad for Tenten. All she was doing was defending herself, yet she's going to the office now.

I wonder what the next chapter is about. Will Tsunade see that Tenten is being bullied and wants to help her because Lee told her? And what happened to Neji, he all of a sudden disappeared.
3/20/2012 c14 310pandaluvr10
Omg update soon, cant wait to see what will unfold next
3/18/2012 c14 DarkAnonymous324
I hope the next chapter will be longer. Please update as soon as you can:)
3/4/2012 c13 Omn
Where is Neji? Shouldn't he be there and protect her? Shouldn't he be there and apologize for what he's done?

I just want to smack Ebisu's face right now. What kind of teacher does this to a student? He's only influencing the other students.

I wonder what's up with Karin, why did she all of a sudden call Tenten a rat? Gosh, rat is even worse that mouse. ):

But I'm glad Lee is there. He is the best of best friends. I wish I had a friend like him.

Great chapter, and update soon.
2/24/2012 c13 2RedBirdsFly

Tenten don't cut yourself! It doesn't help anything! D:

I hope Neji had a DAMN GOOD REASON for cheating on Tenten...did they even break up?

I can't wait to read on!
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