Just In
for Maybe

5/12/2012 c1 magicians
This is so sweet and adorable. Awh, it's beautiful. I love it.
11/14/2011 c1 62Mr Bellatrix Lestrange
Aww SentimentallyDeep!Sirius. There's no other perfection :) 'Twas adorable, and a great pick-me-up for the rest of the day.
9/1/2011 c1 14Gosurori-Otaku
As a philosophy student, I very nearly squee'd at Sirius's musings. And as a sucker for any R/S fluff, everything about this fic is just so.. sweet. I feel all pink and fuzzy inside. :D
8/31/2011 c1 junkyjunk91237
awww that was sweet. :) write more like this! :) and tell me when you post more stories like this!
8/31/2011 c1 53TangerineFields
*grins* I love it, because it's the opposite of what I thought it meant, and that is fantastic. Also, I want the donkey shaped fridge magnet. Cos, you know, that obviously is what the fic hangs around. It's all about the donkey magnet really...:D
8/30/2011 c1 35Souhait
Well, I do not like they together in this way, but... Awwwww, really, you can do magic with them *-* so, so, sooooo fucking cute ^-^

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