Just In
for The Darkest Light Casts The Brightest Shadow

9/2/2024 c11 DracoKing30
really love this story can't wait for new chapters
6/3/2024 c11 Danny R Williams
A very good story about Naruto and Hinata.
Story has plenty of action, suspense and horror.
Sotry definitely deserves to be cpmtomied/
12/4/2022 c11 Illuminated
I enjoyed this optimistic romp, I hope you add more chapters to it someday!
3/29/2022 c11 Danny Williams
Great story but we were left at a cliff hanger,

Story needs updating.
11/18/2021 c11 Danny Williams
Good story with plenty of action, suspense and surprises
Would like to see more romance/sex scense.
Story needs several updates (i am greedy).
9/10/2021 c7 Kuroshi Ansatsusha87
that's hilarious! The spars at the end! Amaya' training with Lee and TenTen!
12/23/2020 c11 Danny Williams
I enjoyed the story from the start thru the last update.
Story has action, suspense and some romance ( I liked the humor also).
Story could use several updates.
12/1/2020 c11 10starfiction123
Ok my observation! I stick by saying this was more of the playful what if ones since I can imagine how much more polished and nice would be if the parents were there still. I really loved the playful aspect of naruhina here. I almost wished u made this a story where they go off a bonnie clyde pranking couple the romance was there though rushed since I don't know where it started even though they were betrothed and I love the tab matchup as neji would not have had the very stick he died from up his butt if he had his parents in the first place but there was a certain lack of detail in backstory that I think would have tired this together but still this was a cute story tho.
7/4/2020 c11 Jormungandr1994
That felt very barebones.
1/1/2019 c10 Crimson Hawk Wolf
Great chapter and I like the many twists you had in it.

I wonder how things will go in the next chapter and the many pranks you plan for Naruto to pull on cloud.

It’s gonna sucks if Naruto Hinata and Neji end up facing each other in the first match of the third round. Not at the sametime but you know what I mean.

It’s good to see that the most team are there. I wonder how things will go between the six of them by the time this exam is over.

I’ll be looking forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter and it’s gonna suck if Hinata gets targeted again by kumo during there time there before they get back to Konoha.
10/19/2018 c10 dragonlord4546
why did you remove ultimate weapon it was a good story that i read multiple times
10/6/2018 c10 1TheWateringWizard
Nice rapping you did there ! Usually writers tend to not do it as it’s really hard and annoying to come up with lines after line of rap and rhymes. So props to you !
10/6/2018 c9 TheWateringWizard
Oh oh oh I love that teasing Hinata ! Hehehe...

And you also answered my question in this chapter ! Minato and Kushina are still alive
9/30/2018 c8 TheWateringWizard
The cheese with Inari and Kaiza... but still an enjoyable chapter !
9/26/2018 c7 TheWateringWizard
Surprisingly short fights but we will never know how Kimimaro would’ve turned out without Orochimaru, so I’ll take anything ! It’s also a little strange to have a not shy Hinata ! I know it’s been 7 chapters already but I’m still getting used to it
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