Just In
for The Darkest Light Casts The Brightest Shadow

4/1/2018 c8 Crimson Hawk Wolf
This is a good story but you still have many more chapters to go before it’s over I’m sure so let’s see more chapters soon for this story and also your other stories.

Sooner rather then later I hope.
1/27/2018 c8 Guest
really good.
12/31/2017 c8 16zigmas
I thought nothing, because I don't think I knew about this story.
I would like, though, to have a sort of an explanation of the whole "Madara" thing, even if that's probably the biggest bone in this pile of AUity.
12/28/2017 c8 16Jewlbunny
I know how you feel. Life is making it difficult to write my fanfics. Hope to read more from you soon.
12/28/2017 c8 AvatarUzumaki
good conclusion to the wave arc. but I look forward to the next chapter to see what happens next
12/24/2017 c8 2Chewie Cookies
12/21/2017 c8 11nightwind83
sweet another update
12/21/2017 c8 ChunkyFunkyMunky
Wow, it's been a really long time since its last update, forgotten what this fic was about.
2/5/2015 c7 35Solvdrage
Interesting fights. Again, good to see you writing more.
2/5/2015 c7 2Chewie Cookies
Team Fuck-'em-all strikes again!

Keep up the good work!
2/4/2015 c7 16Jewlbunny
Lol. They mopped the floor with them. That was awesome. Hope to read more soon.
5/26/2014 c6 Pointer3109
Its a bit strange, but intriguing. I'll keep reading.

Enjoyed it.
5/22/2014 c6 33Leonas
Ok... I agree with hinata... Love the analogies... It's a nice little intro to the teams meeting up and set up to the arc. I am looking forward to the team interactions but don't string us along for TOO long. Gato needs to be removed still...
5/20/2014 c6 1LunarCatNinja
So THAT'S how Zabuza met his wife. Lovely. XD
5/20/2014 c6 dragonball256
Ah man I am so glad you are updating this, it seems like a great premise for an epic story.
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