Just In
for The Darkest Light Casts The Brightest Shadow

5/20/2014 c6 16Jewlbunny
Yeah, I did like that. Hope to read more soon.
5/19/2014 c6 2Chewie Cookies
Gotta LOL at how nonchalant Neji was about sitting on a clone. Now here's an idea! A whole campsite built from transformed shadow clones! An intruder wouldn't know they're surrounded till it was too late...

Keep up the good work!
4/8/2014 c5 1RisingMist
Damn it! Another cliffhanger! I'm on a spree reading your stories today, and I have run into too many of them, lol! You've done a pretty great job here, though I have no idea how Zabuza and Haku teamed up with Kimimaro and Jugo. It's far from impossible, of course, but it is a very interesting turn of events.

I do hope Amaya grows out of her crush soon, but I think you're having a lot of fun with it at the moment, so you might take more time with it. :)

Thanks for sharing this chapter. It was fun to read.
4/8/2014 c4 RisingMist
I enjoyed this chapter a lot more reading it the second time around. I'm glad I didn't leave a review here when I read it first. I rarely enjoy chapters spent solely on an original character in fanfiction. This one is something of an exception. The character was developed nicely, and it is clear that she has pretty great parents. You did a great job with conveying the angst that Amaya was feeling. A lot of the feel good factor for this chapter came from the family moments, in my opinion.

The last part of the chapter where we see Shisui's team sparring was a really nice touch. Seeing through the eyes of a different character is a welcome change. I hope to see more switches in the point of view as this story continues.

Finally, at this juncture, having no further information, I find the idea of Amaya's determination changing the course of history a bit much. I can't wait to find out how that happens! Don't keep us readers hanging for too long, will you?
3/15/2014 c5 35Solvdrage
Finally got a chance to read it. Everything looks good. I can't wait to see the reaction to Zabuza's real nature.
3/12/2014 c5 2Chewie Cookies
Great chapter, man. Evil cliffhanger, too! I liked how Naruto and his team grabbed up all that food for the people of Wave. It was a very nice addition to the chapter.

Keep up the good work!
1/12/2013 c1 1madara2
No, not really. The entire world hates niggers. If you really are some black guy, go travel sometime. Korea, China, Russia. You'll be trying to catch a flight back to your dirty little ghetto before you can say Grape Drink.
9/6/2012 c3 5zentary
we'll I've really never seen this team make up before.
9/6/2012 c2 zentary
Well that was interesting a lot of changes in personalities save for Naruto.
8/16/2012 c4 dragonball256
This was interesting, hopefully you don't have a female Sasuke in that girl otherwise great chapter.
7/7/2012 c4 2Naruto1357
great story so far cant think of anything wrong with it.
6/17/2012 c4 5Rose Tiger
6/17/2012 c3 Rose Tiger
6/17/2012 c2 Rose Tiger
This should be fun.
6/14/2012 c4 Idk
Amaya is a great character, this story is amazing and has lots of potential. I look forward to another update.
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