9/19/2014 c6 Guest
wow. my name is nicole! this is a really good story, it's hard 2 find a good virals fanfic.
wow. my name is nicole! this is a really good story, it's hard 2 find a good virals fanfic.
1/2/2014 c6
This is good, I didn't really understand it when I began, but I understand more now. I find it interesting because I don't think many people would have done what you did. I know a lot about the diseases themselves (due to an English report on animal diseases), but I mean I never expected someone to create characters and a storyline that works with the virals storyline (minus the characters having the feline instinct instead of canine instinct) and mix the two together. So I mean I cant wait to read more and I hope you do continue this.

This is good, I didn't really understand it when I began, but I understand more now. I find it interesting because I don't think many people would have done what you did. I know a lot about the diseases themselves (due to an English report on animal diseases), but I mean I never expected someone to create characters and a storyline that works with the virals storyline (minus the characters having the feline instinct instead of canine instinct) and mix the two together. So I mean I cant wait to read more and I hope you do continue this.
1/17/2013 c6 ERB
12/30/2012 c6 PeanutbutterWolf
I love it, it's one of the best fanfics I've ever read. PLEASE CONTINUE!:D
I love it, it's one of the best fanfics I've ever read. PLEASE CONTINUE!:D
12/9/2011 c3 Anonomis
maore!more!more!more! what happens next?
maore!more!more!more! what happens next?
11/11/2011 c3 victor janus
nice continue please. although its sometimes hard to understand your grammar.but other then that great.
nice continue please. although its sometimes hard to understand your grammar.but other then that great.
11/7/2011 c3
5The Knife In Your Side
Your storey's great, keep it comin'!
P.S. Who in hell dosen't know what bloody MILO is, it's the best! Same as Vegimite!

Your storey's great, keep it comin'!
P.S. Who in hell dosen't know what bloody MILO is, it's the best! Same as Vegimite!
10/9/2011 c2
57Amulet Misty
Hello Tash 8D Finally got around to the second chapter~
Anyway your plot and ideas are really interesting, you just need to work on your writing a bit more. Other than that love it 3

Hello Tash 8D Finally got around to the second chapter~
Anyway your plot and ideas are really interesting, you just need to work on your writing a bit more. Other than that love it 3
9/25/2011 c2
Nice. But it sux that she is injured now. Injuries aren't fun. I want to read more. Update soon!

Nice. But it sux that she is injured now. Injuries aren't fun. I want to read more. Update soon!