Just In
for Secrets

9/19/2014 c6 Guest
wow. my name is nicole! this is a really good story, it's hard 2 find a good virals fanfic.
1/2/2014 c6 8ForeverSavior
This is good, I didn't really understand it when I began, but I understand more now. I find it interesting because I don't think many people would have done what you did. I know a lot about the diseases themselves (due to an English report on animal diseases), but I mean I never expected someone to create characters and a storyline that works with the virals storyline (minus the characters having the feline instinct instead of canine instinct) and mix the two together. So I mean I cant wait to read more and I hope you do continue this.
1/17/2013 c6 ERB
12/30/2012 c6 PeanutbutterWolf
I love it, it's one of the best fanfics I've ever read. PLEASE CONTINUE!:D
3/26/2012 c5 8Shadow the Ranger
when's the next chapter?
1/7/2012 c5 Amacc
This is so good, please update asap

Vegemite all the way
1/7/2012 c5 4angel2u
Well that changes a lot.
1/7/2012 c4 angel2u
Ash and Pounce. And. I wonder how they'll react to each other.
12/9/2011 c3 Anonomis
maore!more!more!more! what happens next?
11/11/2011 c3 victor janus
nice continue please. although its sometimes hard to understand your grammar.but other then that great.
11/11/2011 c1 victor janus
yea cats and dogs this will be fun.
11/7/2011 c3 angel2u
fire alarms are so annoying!
11/7/2011 c3 5The Knife In Your Side
Your storey's great, keep it comin'!

P.S. Who in hell dosen't know what bloody MILO is, it's the best! Same as Vegimite!
10/9/2011 c2 57Amulet Misty
Hello Tash 8D Finally got around to the second chapter~

Anyway your plot and ideas are really interesting, you just need to work on your writing a bit more. Other than that love it 3
9/25/2011 c2 4crushergoddess
Nice. But it sux that she is injured now. Injuries aren't fun. I want to read more. Update soon!
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