Just In
for How Much Worse Could It Get?

11/18/2016 c2 Guest
This is a brilliant story, please continue can't wait to find out what happens
7/18/2012 c2 AidenVanHelsing
Great story so far !
2/13/2012 c2 Lo
Please update. You've left us all hanging.

It's really good :)

12/14/2011 c2 33thatredheadgirl
Of course Harvey comes to his senses after Mike gets hurt! Love this story so far!
12/2/2011 c2 22Post U Later
Oh No! What's Gonna Happen? More Please?
12/2/2011 c1 Post U Later
OMG! NO! MIKE! I Hope He's Going To Be Okay!
9/25/2011 c2 killerpuppy
this is a great story and i really want to find out what happens so i really hope u update! =)
9/16/2011 c2 rickiebeaumont
Great start. Looking forward to the next chapter!
9/12/2011 c2 9Kitty Howell
I feel like the story might be becoming a bit too cliche. Mike getting hurt while on his bike and then the all too knowing stranger...

Also, I think that, no matter how important the client, Jessica would have just let Harvey go. And if she didn't' I feel like Harvey would have either dumped the client on Jessica, maybe even Louis and left. At least have hurried up the meeting

Still, I look forward to reading the next chapter.
9/12/2011 c2 4AshStilinski24
I've been noticing a pattern with Mike in Suits stories, he gets hurt while on his bike. I guess because in NYC it's bound to happen. I've lived in NYC (BRONX BABY!) and it is pretty cluttered. :)

Love it, More
9/9/2011 c1 a
Hello. Update much? Apparentley not! please update soon i want to see where this goes!
9/9/2011 c1 1schoolkid
Oh poor Mike, is he gonna be okay? Update soon please!
9/9/2011 c1 1JJLiberty
More please. I like where this is going! Mike would get up and go to work after getting hit by a car haha.
9/8/2011 c1 lifedotcalm
i would have to say I Like

and so

Want More!

very interesting charactersss

jus wonder what you have in store for these two

til nex time
9/8/2011 c1 fuckyoudom
This is awesome! Please continue=D
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