Just In
for Barmaid

9/7/2014 c4 just good ol me
hmm... somehow i kinda like this..!
Please Update... i wanna know what happens next.. :D
7/5/2014 c4 52Firediva0
This is so good! I feel so bad for Allen though. I hope Cross will learn to love him if he doesn't already.
1/14/2014 c3 Guest
Type your review for this chapter here...
8/23/2013 c1 11o1
update this story soon please!
8/16/2013 c4 5ImDeadImInHellThisAccIsWhy
Please write more :)
8/16/2013 c1 ImDeadImInHellThisAccIsWhy
Love the last paragraph :)
7/10/2013 c1 18Jazebeth
wow... that was awkward..
2/2/2013 c4 10juggernaut715
2/1/2013 c4 2AllenxKanda2
Hi, it has been about six months so i was wondering whether or not you were continuing this? It is a great story and i would love to read another chapter!
11/4/2012 c4 2Missography
I would really, really, REALLY love to see this story continued! It's a little erratic at points, but all in all I am really enjoying it! Keep it up!
10/9/2012 c4 RayenOfDeadStarsAndPlanets
I love this! It's great!
9/22/2012 c4 10Angels and Crows
Uh oh! Is this some suspense/foreshadowing-ish stuff I detect?! Is something gonna happen to our dear Allen while he's wondering town, ALONE?! ;) seems like a pretty good set up for a Noah kidnapping, does it not? Lolz update soon! :) -MnM
8/24/2012 c4 22Joybug
haha! poor Kanda 'that little fact' LMAO!
Looks like Allen and Kanda are eachother's competition. Allen wants Cross for himself, and we all know Kanda wants Lavi. XD Great to see this story still going.
8/23/2012 c4 ShivaTheDestroyer
Yay new chapter can't wait till the next one. :D
8/23/2012 c4 Kinkylittlewolf
Yay you're alive! I like the new chapter! And am looking forward to the next! ;)
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