Just In
for Solstice

11/6/2011 c25 2Twink423
Awwww, so cute! She better kiss him good, she deserves it and they both should be happy. :)
11/6/2011 c24 Twink423
Huge breakthrough for Bella at therapy. So happy for her. I sometimes feel ok as she is and on the ok road, but still have the bad days and tough times ahead. You can never really avoid those days and just have to deal as it happens.

I'm ready for more Edward. :)
11/5/2011 c23 Twink423
Big steps for Bella in therapy for her to talk to the girl speaking. Not everyone would hav that courage.

And now Edward can walk her home. More kissing perhaps?
11/5/2011 c22 Twink423
Such a perfect kiss. So slow and sweet at first and then ramped up the intensity level many notches. Perfect!

Love for these two to keep becoming closer.
11/5/2011 c21 Twink423
Again with the cuteness and sweet Edward. He really is a keeper! :)
11/5/2011 c20 Twink423
Awwwwwww! Their both so cute in their awkwardness about talking about this date. Yay! They officially have a date set up. So much love for this story! :D
11/5/2011 c31 orlanka
beautiful epi to a beautiful story!
11/5/2011 c19 Twink423
Bella's truly making progress. Glad she wants to kiss Edward. And hope it happens when she is ready.
11/5/2011 c31 MillieD
Loved this all the way through. Will miss it.
11/5/2011 c18 Twink423
So glad they're still talking and Edward seems honest about everything. I hope Bella gives him the chance to be with her.

Can't wait for a kiss. Hopefully it's soon! ;)
11/5/2011 c31 Amazone3
11/5/2011 c17 Twink423
Thank god Edward told her what I wanted to hear and that it wasn't like 20 chapters later and we would have to wait. I just knew he wanted more. So how will she react to that now? Will she be ok with it all? Every though it's scary as hell, it can also be very good.
11/5/2011 c16 Twink423
Ok. Not going to freak like Bella might after Edward said he doesn't want to be her friend. I just know he wants more than that. Hopefully that follows his statement. I have faith.
11/5/2011 c31 milkfetus10
I am so glad that Bella is indeed truly happy. I am so glad that she's in a place where she is content with her life. I am glad I found this story and loved every minute of it!
11/5/2011 c15 Twink423
Bella's big speech at the end was really good. So real to how it all feels. That each day is a struggle, but also each gets a bit better at not feeling so broken and damaged.

And still love Edward to pieces.
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