Just In
for Solstice

11/3/2016 c6 JustARead
11/3/2016 c5 JustARead
11/3/2016 c4 JustARead
11/3/2016 c3 JustARead
11/3/2016 c2 JustARead
Whaaa lmao unexpected
9/8/2016 c31 marley01
Just as good the second time around!
6/9/2016 c31 BurningAkira97
Loved this :')
6/8/2016 c18 Tee dree
Your story is so wonderful, so sweet and touching! And i'm enjoying it enourmously, not only as a reader, but specially as a psychoterapist. I am rethinking a lot of things, having lots of insights... Really you are making me reflect about patients, sessions. Thank you so much for sharing your sensibility and intelligence with us!
8/29/2015 c31 Hhays3
Great story! Loved it!
8/20/2015 c31 Bevey99
Wonderful. All those reasons have happened to someone, hopefully not you or your friends. Great job. Thanks
8/19/2015 c2 Bevey99
Whaaaaaaa! Hahaha lik that would happen now..
6/12/2015 c9 geosordino
This is a really sweet story.
6/5/2015 c31 1Syndi-Dowell
Very touching story, it hit close to home for me.
6/2/2015 c2 nattynel80
5/27/2015 c31 Reader-many
Perfecto! Thanks for sharring this is a great story
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