Just In
for Intensity

9/13 c56 Jacob wifey
From beginning to end, this story has been the best of all the Twilight fanfiction I've ever read, and I'm looking forward to reading it again.
8/14 c56 jackyfloresq2001
can't wait for the next chapter
8/3 c56 PEACHESandBUNNY 17
I love this story this is my second or third time reading it and I hope you continue to update it more cause I would love to see where it goes from here
7/21 c56 2CR GRZ
actualiza por favor
7/18 c56 Guest
7/15 c56 Guest
7/14 c56 Wika0304
please update, it's a very interesting story
7/12 c56 theReading-is-life
We need moooooore
7/9 c56 Twi-Fan99
It has been a while since your last update, I hope you will update soon.
6/14 c56 14she is brighter
Oh my goodness this story will never cease to wow me. I love it so much and can’t wait to read more

How all is well
6/13 c56 tiffany.clarkpulkowski
Please! I need to know what happens next!
5/31 c56 tinkermist99
Please update
5/25 c56 misia88
Hilarious chapter, loved the bar fight.
5/23 c46 misia88
Damn Fuller is a basket full of crazy...
5/16 c56 32pegasus5406
Wow...So funny...I loved it...and I think they're getting close to finding Fuller...great update hon...I can't wait to read more...And I have to say that it annoys me that I haven't been getting notices when you update, usually, I find it on Facebook, but I've not been on there lately. The only reason I found this update is because I checked on it on my site to see if you had indeed updated...and found out you had. I wonder what's going on, on this site...well, I'm glad I've found it...thanks hon...huggs. Peggy
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