Just In
for Intensity

9/10/2023 c54 SassYNoleS
Hahahaha .. what a hilarious chapter in places!

**Alice and Charlotte were nuts.** .. I bloody well agree with that ... deary me.. both vamp woman clearly are off their rockers LOL.

Taha Aki.. Ooh my .. him and defending dear old BOB was bloody gold as was his mentioning of his twelfth wife and how he never went back for thirteenth time ... Poor Bella having to be the one that told him who BOB was hahahaha ..

Carlisle getting his mate was so cute! And love the growth and the way Rose is .. she is amazing!

LOVED the chapter and so cannot wait for more Xx
9/10/2023 c54 Guest
Ooooooo so funny and so good can’t wait for more update soon
9/10/2023 c54 FeyraWildfire
Oh this is so good! thank you for the update, and I hope you are doing at least a little bit better
9/10/2023 c54 9BeautifulBabeForever
OMG more please.! That was too funny. But a very nice break from all the serious. Well done.
9/10/2023 c54 ashleyag
love the chapter look forward to the next one
9/10/2023 c54 JenGail01
Thank you for another chapter. It was wonderful as always!
9/10/2023 c54 1harlequin320
great chapter, keep up the good work
9/10/2023 c54 Twin68babyA
Oh honey, I love you! I only wish you would update sooner. I love your chapters and they are the highlight of my day when I read them. I never know what is coming and I always get a surprise ever time I read them. This chapter was mind blowing. When you wrote in Taha Aki I peed in my pants. What a mind you have dear. Just amazing. I do wish I knew who the other men were. But my guess was Levi and Quil maybe. I love the way the others acted when they saw them I laughed so hard. This chapter was my favorite. Oh who am I kidding they are all my favorite. Please for my sanity sake update sooner. For I can’t wait these long spells. Till next time my dear dear friend
9/10/2023 c54 YankeeGirlNJ
Loved it as usual!
Crazy vamps. Too funntM
9/10/2023 c54 asia.joanna.7334
Omg i love it anather great charper Dear one, you surprise me more and more with each new chapter. I'm impressed with your fantasy and ideas for each chapter of this fantastic story. Nono but already a shock on Tha aki
This great warrior, I wonder who you sent with him and what your plans for the next chapters are, because I'm already dying of curiosity about what will happen next. I greet and wish you a lot of inspiration to write.
9/10/2023 c54 Argangel
Trop bien. J'ai adoré.
9/10/2023 c54 Sara1287
Good, plz more soon
9/10/2023 c54 KEZZ 1
Fantastic chapter Thankyou
9/9/2023 c54 3GoddessxNyte2
have i told u i love your stories lately? cause i do. i really really do. i am seriously gonna re read all of them again just for all the hotness and laughter and joy they give me. especially this one. imma re read the hell outta it right now :D
9/9/2023 c54 MMTyler
This chapter is hilarious. I would love to have been there when Four handsome naked men appear In the flesh. Now I just have to get my BOB.
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