Just In
for Intensity

9/26/2011 c3 Skullqueencb
i love this.

but i have to know why is jake a asshole in all of ur fics?
9/26/2011 c3 lovingshewolf
too bad Jake is stuck with Angela. I guess he is jealous that Paul got her hahah *can't resist it lol*

LOL at the wolves' faces as they saw Paul and Bella acting like little children running around in disney world.

wow it is very nice for Jared and Sam to reconcile with Paul and Bella. Even with Emily and Kim.

it is funny to see all of them being in shock that Paul would afford expensive stuffs
9/26/2011 c3 TurtleBeth
loved it and yes Leah did mean to kick Jacob
9/26/2011 c3 cosmoGirl666
9/26/2011 c3 miawmiaw
I really really love this chapter. Glad that Bella and Paul were gracious to Sam, Jared, Emily and Kim. Yeah, tried Morton's one time and their steaks were awesome! wished though that it wasl Paul and Bella who treated us... Hey, if I were Bella I would have treated Jake last... just so he would have partially healed and I would have to rebreak some of his bones to help it heal properly. How come Sam got worse injuries than Jake?
9/26/2011 c3 35Kittyinaz
Yeah for Paul and Bella! Who cares about tribal law? That is one of the things that always bothered me about the pack, those kids ended up losing everything when they phased.
9/26/2011 c3 1sweetmel21
Cute chapter. And Jack is a douche and I love Paul and Bella together.
9/26/2011 c3 misia88
Loved this chapter. The last paragraph was kinda sad though. I definitely was not expecting Leah to give birth, but the injuries she caused was definitely hilarious.
9/26/2011 c2 miawmiaw
Ooohhh, i just discovered this story and absolutely love it!
9/26/2011 c3 2IzzyBFFAddict92
Hey There...

I spent close to 4 days in the hospital after all, and I am still restricted to bed rest! Gotta love it when a Doctor tells your husband that you HAVE to stay in bed all day! LOL

I loved this... Yes the pack owes Bella, but I am concerned that the Council will somehow MAKE B/P come to LaPush to stay...

I love that Leah kicked that fucking asshole twice! God, I hate him and Ange at this point... He won't allow it... Fuck you!

I love your updates as usual... Please Update soon...

9/26/2011 c3 1Jeri252
love it
9/26/2011 c3 beverlie4055
love the chapter
9/26/2011 c3 3Bripearl
hehe i almost feel as though leah kicked jake on purpose for what he did to bella. but yeah it is funny that she injures the entire pack during labor XD great chapter
9/26/2011 c3 caggie
An action packed chapter, what will happen next.
9/26/2011 c3 snoodles
That was perfect. Loved Paul telling Bella she better stay on her birth control.
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