Just In
for Intensity

9/20/2011 c2 1Jeri252
love it
9/20/2011 c2 1dinkadot
THis chapter cracked me up... Charlie all decked out in golfing gear had a picture in my head that still has me giggling. THe look of Horrific thoughts about the whole grand baby conversation also had me laughing. Paul and his memo to the gods OMG that was hillarious. I am really enjoying this story and defiantely am looking forward to more.

9/20/2011 c2 KimberlyAnnT
Sue and Charlie are a trip.. What they started about have grandbabies.. 6 grandbabies I almost
9/20/2011 c2 kouga's older woman
Absolutely loved the parental guilt trip! Can't wait for the pack to show up!
9/19/2011 c2 4katyaleighb
Ha, this chapter was perfect!

When you were going over their visit in Hawaii, you practically explained different parts of my childhood,(for I too, have been traumatized by the waves at Sandy's beach).

The humor was a great tone throughout the Chapter, and the parental guilt just rounded it all out :)
9/19/2011 c2 Skullqueencb
i love it. please update soon.
9/19/2011 c2 tobeacullen
I can’t help but laugh at Paul. He’s such a man. As much as I want them to remain in their happy bubble, I’m anxious for them to return to Forks/La Push. I’m especially looking forward to Angela and Jacob’s reaction. It’s nice to know that Jessica, of all people, is loyal to Bella, even though they aren’t close. Maybe once they return to Washington, she and Bella and form a real friendship.

Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading more.
9/19/2011 c2 Riley MacGyver523
Amazing chapter! I liked how Charlie and Sue entered the story. And the little bit of Jared that you though in. I can't wait for the pack to re enter Paul and Bella's life. It's going to be all kinds of dramatic. I also liked Embry imprinting on Jessica and the fact the Jess openly hates Angela and Jake for what they did to Bella. I would like to see what comes of Bella and Jess' relationship. if they'll become friends or not. I can't wait to read more.

Kitty Whitlock
9/19/2011 c2 24Nefertel
omg this is a god chap

love charlie and sue's reacition to the 1 baby at 40 lol

9/19/2011 c2 PaulMerazLover1992
Awesome chapter! I love it :D when is the next update? I'm hooked!
9/19/2011 c2 2KelseyNicole08
Charlie and Sue were so sweet! :) poor Paul and Bella next chapter! :/
9/19/2011 c2 Beautiful-Liar13
this was great and does Paul know what happened between Bella and Jake? hope there is more soon
9/19/2011 c2 1sweetmel21
These 2 are so cute. I love how they just go with the flow. I just hope they stay strong and not let the pack or parents push them around.
9/19/2011 c2 snoodles
Love the two of them together. Charlie and Sue are a hoot. They already have 6 grandkids and are harping on more. Glad that Paul and Bella have their own plan. Can't wait for the pack to show up. That is going to be epic.
9/19/2011 c2 4The Mortal Slytherpuff
Great chapter! I love it, and can't wait to see more. I just have one question: you mentioned in this chapter that Paul hadn't phased in over a year. The thing is- wouldn't that make him not a wolf anymore, so wouldn't his like no-aging, no sickness etc. stuff not work anymore? It kinda sounded like he still had all the perks of being a wolf, without being a wolf anymore. That doesn't make sense to me. Did I misread something or miss something in general?
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