Just In
for Intensity

9/11/2011 c1 torchwood1890
Paul...(sigh)...Yummy! You do not disappoint. Love it.
9/11/2011 c1 arrr
Oh Mama - just as good the second time around! Love it! A
9/11/2011 c1 6Andysteve1311
Love this story! The first chapter was absolutely amazing. Jake and Angela seem like total assholes, and it seems totally unlike them to do something so horrible. I love Bella's reaction to the imprint, it was hilarious! The relationships moving a bit fast but it is an imprint so I guess its reasonable that it is. Kind of coincidental that they're both single. The exes are total bitches though and I definitely can understand why they are single. I can't wait for you next chapter!
9/11/2011 c1 2KelseyNicole08
I'm glad she excepted it, and it wasn't paragraphs and paragraph of her running from it. I though it was real sweet. I like that Paul got to be somebody. Usually he doesn't. And you didn't explain the wolf thing! Thank god. Lol. Is thi it? Or are you continuing it to make your crazy awesome fuckery? Cause that'd be awesome. :)
9/11/2011 c1 cosmoGirl666
I like it :)
9/11/2011 c1 Diamond Dia
I'm loving it keep writing
9/11/2011 c1 7Minnakoda
I was all "dude, wolf fic? no way" then I was all "wait, it's mama4dukes... i gotta give it a try, she's awesome"... I'm glad I did. I still don't like wolf fics but this was a good first chapter and I'm willing to give the rest a try :) Great start!
9/10/2011 c1 11Elle Leigh
I love your work! Your sense of humor seriously cracks me up. Looks like this one won't disappoint on any level. Can't wait for the rest of the story!
9/10/2011 c1 4hamster15
Love the story but I really hope bella and paul fuck on jake and angela bed one day for the shit the pull

I can already tell it going to be awesome
9/10/2011 c1 shelbron
I loved the first chapter :) What Jake and Angela did to Bella was pretty crappy and Paul's girlfriend was just a gold digger anyway. Paul is my favourite wolf and an awesome character. I can't wait for more :)
9/10/2011 c1 rubiconqueen
Love it so far. And honestly, I love everything you write!
9/10/2011 c1 1BreithePixieCupcake
More! I am demanding it :D Please and thank you

Write soon
9/10/2011 c1 djskjgfiodna
what a bitch angela i would expect that from lauren or jessca but not her its such a weird twist of angela but i like it its different! wow and they end up going back to la push thats gonna be some cray shit wonder how charlie will take them being together i love charlie expessially in your stories!
9/10/2011 c1 1sweetmel21
I saw so far so good. I'm excited to about this Bella. And hell the Paul in the movies is absolutely motherwatering.
9/10/2011 c1 Princess Mishawaka
I love it. I am not a wolf-girl either but lately I have gotten into some really good wolf stories. I guess I've read so much Jasper/Bella that the wolves are entertaining.

You are such a good writer I can see this story going ballistic with all the wolves and vamps too. Please keep this story going.
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