Just In
for Intensity

9/10/2011 c1 ScreamingOutYourName
This story just makes me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy. I've always had a soft spot for Paul and Bella and I really can't wait to see where you will take these two.
9/10/2011 c1 i'm in the looney bin
Sooooo good! Can't wait for ch. 2 ;) love story...especially Paul! :) x
9/10/2011 c1 brokenlove81
first thing first, I love Bella/Paul stories, and I think u did a great job with this first chapter. I love ur Jasper/Bella stories n ur peter/Bella story so I can imagine that this one will be just a great.
9/10/2011 c1 BeckaR
Omg awesome I really loved it hope u r going to post more
9/10/2011 c1 1Snuggalette
I love it. Please update it soon.

It seems like you cooled Paul down a bit, which is great. I guess the pack was fueling his temper more.
9/10/2011 c1 Siwiutka85
this is another super story of yours :)
9/10/2011 c1 3DuckieHamilton1
it was really good! Please update this and your other New one soon :]
9/10/2011 c1 TurtleBeth
Thank you for the new story.
9/10/2011 c1 YankeeGirlNJ
You couldn't have picked a better wolf for the story.

Great premise. Can't wait to read more.
9/10/2011 c1 16SparklingFae
you know how I feel about this one :D I am seriously such a sucker for any bella/paul fic that is well written and you know all of yours are superb!
9/10/2011 c1 1Ovela
Love how you started this out (especially off rez). It has a lot of possibilities, and can't wait to see where you take Bella and Paul. One of the great things about your stories is that you have the ability to bend a character any which way even within your own OCC-ness and it's believable in your story. All people in real life are a mushy ball of good-bad-stupid-brilliant-callous-compassionate-etc. and it just takes the right set of circumstances to bring it out of them.

My favorite men in Twilight are Paul and Jasper, that coupled with the fact that you're my favorite Twilight fanfic writer, I was salivating at the mouth when I checked my email this morning!

I hope everything went smoothly for your family and home after Irene. God speed.
9/10/2011 c1 1alicefan32
great start. I love your vampire fics and this wolf one looks very promising. I can't wait to see where you take it.
9/10/2011 c1 natashar
cant wait for more
9/10/2011 c1 1harlequin320
alright, jumping in to the relationship really fast and head first, I'll give this one a shot, update soon
9/10/2011 c1 2Siobhan Whitlock
Okay, you have no reason to fret over this being your first wolf fic. It is absolutely perfect in my eyes :) And my eyes were glued to this from the first word! Hot damn, I love it!

Now I want to read wolf fics. I wish there were more wolf fics where Bella phases... *starts search*

Love it, I will be back! :) *giggles*
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