Just In
for The heart that never beats

5/16/2019 c6 Guest
I suggest you refrain from using the word, "fag"
11/20/2016 c1 Guest
You should do one about Marshall Fionna
8/8/2016 c8 Alex
ples jes keep on with the story o_o
4/28/2016 c8 1Enchiridionseeker76
Please continue this story its really good!
10/10/2015 c8 Guest
Is it over?
8/20/2015 c8 ClaireBear
Pls make the next chapter soon! This is soooo good
6/4/2015 c8 Guest
what about chapter 9?! ): i need more to read!
5/25/2015 c8 Lena
Omg I was freaking into the part when Marshall was in an argument with the shadows of how they killed Tsevani not Marshall it was so deep.
4/18/2015 c8 alexandria
You should bring tsani back and let her save them and then Fiona could get jealous over her
2/27/2015 c8 Guest
Totally awsomr
2/21/2015 c8 Prancing llama
Dude! Please continue D: I really like your writing and it's exactly what I want in fanfic. Please write again! I know it's been like three years, but keep going!
1/21/2015 c8 UnicornQueen
Creat story
1/7/2015 c8 Fan LOL
Dude. You should really continue this story! It's soo rad 33
1/8/2015 c2 Louislover159
I love gym class heroes
12/19/2014 c8 starstablesfan
It's too cute and saaaad more plz ;p;
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